Sunday, May 3, 2015

Exodus 36: The First Capital Campaign

Exodus 36 records an event that is truly noteworthy: the first capital campaign in the history of God's people was conducted - and it was so successful that the people had to be restrained from giving any more (vs. 6)!

Imagine if this happened in your church.  A building project is proposed and donations are solicited for construction.  People are so generous that within a short amount of time the goal is reached and surpassed.  Donors have to be told to quit bringing their gifts because all the costs have been met.  Incredible?

With God, all things are possible.  The people who had sinned so obnoxiously with the golden calf now have their hearts - and wallets - in the right place when it comes to donating materials for the Tabernacle.  With the necessary equipment and workers in hand, the craftsmen quickly set about constructing a new tent of meeting.

The rest of chapter 36 follows God's instructions closely.  As He commanded it to be built, so it is done.  If this part sounds familiar, it may be because this section mirrors Exodus 26 where the plan was set forth by God.  The people are faithfully assembling on earth what was revealed in the heavenly vision.

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