The Bible has a lot to say about pride and humility. Humility is deeply cherished, and revealed to be one of the chief characteristics of Jesus Christ. The Old Testament tells us that Moses was more humble than anyone on the face of the earth (vs. 3). Pride, on the other hand, is repeatedly discouraged in scripture, even depicted as the sin that led to Satan's undoing. Pride goeth before a fall - like the smackdown that happens to Miriam and Aaron in Numbers 12!
Apparently, Moses had taken a Cushite wife (perhaps his earlier Midianite wife Zipporah has died?) This is not going down well at the camp. Moses' siblings have some apparent rivalry with their brother, for they take to puffing themselves up at his expense. "Has the Lord spoken only through Moses? Has He not spoken through us also?" (vs. 2) Here's a little tip that is just as true today as it was over 3000 years ago: it's not cool to tell others how cool you are. If you think you have to tell others how great you are, don't even bother.
Unfortunately for Aaron and Miriam, the Lord hears their boasting and subtle challenge of Moses' authority. Imagine how proud they must have been when they hear that God summons just the three of them, Moses, Aaron and Miriam to the tent of meeting (vs. 4). And then picture their gleeful surprise when God comes down in a pillar of cloud and summons Aaron and Miriam (and not Moses!) to come forward to meet with Him. "Even God knows that we are better than Moses!" they must be thinking.
Boom! Their pride goes right before a heavenly smackdown! Aaron and Miriam were not called forward to be congratulated, but to be chastised! God exalts Moses before them, and, to make His point clear, He leaves Miriam with the loathsome skin disease of leprosy. To add to her humiliation, it takes Aaron appealing to Moses who then intercedes with the Lord on her behalf. God relents, but not before making Miriam an exile for seven days to drive the lesson of humility home.
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