The fifteenth chapter of Deuteronomy reveals God's passionate concern for the poor - and includes His command that the Israelites help the poor: "Since there will never cease to be some in need on the earth, I therefore command you, 'Open your hand to the poor and needy neighbor in your land'" (vs. 11).
The beginning point in understanding God's call to generosity is the realization that it comes first of all from the Lord. God's material blessings are sure and certain to result as a response to the people's obedience. Moses repeatedly promises as much to the Israelites (vs. 4, 6, 10, 14, 18).
But what is the point of all this blessing? What does God want His people to do with His generous provisions? Share them with the less fortunate, of course! From the beginning of His covenant with Abraham, God has wanted His people to be blessed in order to be a blessing (Genesis 12:3).
Again and again, God urges the people to give freely. This includes forgiving debts in the seventh year (vs. 1), generously lending to the needy (vs. 7-8), and releasing slaves after six years of service (vs. 12), sending bountiful gifts along with them into their new life of freedom (vs. 14).
Greed and selfishness are natural human tendencies; they are not what God wants to see among His people. Instead God would rather that we imitate Him in His abundant giving and blessing. As Jesus would later say, "Freely you have received, freely give" (Matthew 10:8). One of the hallmarks of the Christian life is generous, joyful giving!
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