Sunday, October 18, 2015

Psalm 91: Protection Or Presumption?

Psalm 91 contains some of the most beautiful images and comforting promises to be found in the entire Bible.  Is it any surprise, then, that Satan would twist something so glorious for his own ends?

It's true: Psalm 91:11-12 is quoted by the devil to Jesus during His time of testing in the wilderness.  One of Satan's temptations was to induce Jesus to throw Himself off the highest point of the temple.  After all, Satan reasoned, referencing this psalm, doesn't scripture promise that "He will command His angels concerning you, to protect you," and "On their hands they will bear you up so that you will not dash your foot against a stone?" (Luke 4:10-11)

Jesus rightly answered back, citing other scripture, "It is said, 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test'" (Luke 4:12).  Jesus identified the difference here between standing on a promise of protection and throwing yourself into danger through spiritual presumption.  It is one thing to take the verses of Psalm 91 and understand them to mean that the Lord is faithfully watching out for His people to keep them from harm; it is another thing altogether to put God to the test by foolhardily seeking out dangerous situations and demanding the Lord's protection!

In some ways, this "putting the Lord to the test" reminds me of the practice among some congregations of snake-handling and poison drinking, citing Mark 16:18 for support.  But the protection in this passage seems to me to be enjoyed passively (such as in Acts 28:3-6), rather than sought after actively!

It is in Psalm 91 that we hear of God's metaphorical wings and feathers, read of Him as a shelter and refuge, and are given a glimpse of His enduring protection and grace.  Because of these emphases, Psalm 91 serves as the basis for one of my favorite Psalm songs!

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