For instance, we cannot know:
- what disasters may befall the earth (vs. 2).
- how the breath of life comes to the unborn (vs. 5).
- how God works (vs. 5).
- what work will best prosper (vs. 6).
Solomon's advice is to keep in mind what we cannot know, and thus maintain a humble approach to life. Because we cannot know which work will best prosper, we should work both day and night in different activities. Likewise, we should invest and prepare diligently, because we do not know what disaster may strike. (I have a feeling that Solomon would have carried a lot of insurance!)
There are, however, some things that we CAN know and should take into account in our planning, such as:
- Investment produces a return (vs. 1).
- Rain clouds result in rain (vs. 3).
- Trees fall where they lie (vs. 4).
- God will judge us on our deeds (vs. 9).
These are principles of life which can guide our steps. Look for the signs of what is coming. Remember to live a life that is morally upright.
Yet one more thing that we can know undermines them all: Everything is vanity (vs. 8)! That Solomon makes this conclusion should come as no surprise. Perhaps the final chapter of Ecclesiastes will point us in a more hopeful direction of how best to live!
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