Monday, July 3, 2017

I Corinthians 12: Spiritual Gifts (Part One)

What a difference between Christianity and paganism!  Paul begins this chapter by reminding the Corinthians that they used to follow mute, ineffective and impotent idols.  But now these false gods are contrasted with the living, moving, breathing Holy Spirit who works in the lives of believers by gifting them with special abilities for the good of the body.
Paul cites a variety of gifts in vs. 8-10, but I don't believe his list is meant to be exhaustive.  (In fact, in other corners of Paul's writings we see additional gifts mentioned.)  The Holy Spirit is infinitely creative and able to give the Church just what it needs at the proper time.

The remainder of this chapter focuses on the Church as a body.  Because the spiritual gifts are distributed in the Church unequally (some have this gift, some have that), it would be easy for some to feel that their gifts are either all that are necessary - or that their gifts are completely useless.  To correct this misperception, Paul describes the working of an organic body that requires all its parts, or members, to work together to function as it is meant to.  If a body were only to consist of seeing, or hearing - and nothing else - how futile that would be!  Instead, God in His wisdom, arranged the parts of the body as He saw fit.  Our job is to find a way to work together.

"Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it." (I Corinthians 12:27)

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