The sacrifice of Christ upon the cross is perfect, complete, finished. "Where there is forgiveness of these, there is no longer any offering for sin" (vs. 18).
What does this mean for us? It means that Christ's atoning death is once for all. There is nothing we can add to it or take away from it. It is the ultimate sacrifice that all the other sacrifices and rituals in the Old Testament era were looking forward to. There is nothing more that we need to do, nor does Christ need to die again and again for us.
This is both comforting and concerning. The comfort is that our salvation is not "half-done" or incomplete. It is finished, just as Christ Himself said on the cross. We don't need to worry about doing something extra or additional to augment the salvation that Christ achieved for us on the cross.
However, as the author of Hebrews points out, this also means that there is no sacrifice for sins remaining if we "willfully persist in sin after having received knowledge of the truth" (vs. 26). There is no Plan B. There is no other route to salvation if we reject Christ. He is the way, the truth, and the life.
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