2. What was Elisha’s final request of Elijah?
3. How was the faith of the widow in II Kings 4 play a necessary part in her receiving an answer to her plight?
4. What kind of parallels can you find between the miracles of Elisha and the miracles of Jesus?
5. What was Elisha’s servant Gehazi’s sin and resulting punishment?
6. When Elisha led a band of enemy soldiers from Aram into Samaria, how were the captured soldiers treated?
7. How bad is the lack of food in II Kings 6:24-29? (Remember this was referenced back when we were studying Deuteronomy 28:49-57!)
8. In the midst of this terrible famine, Elisha prophesied that the very next day food would be incredibly cheap. He was ridiculed by the king’s right hand man. How did God fulfill this prophecy?
9. Who killed the king of Israel Joram, the king of Judah Ahaziah, and the former Queen Jezebel in II Kings 9?
10. By what subterfuge did Jehu cleanse the land of Baal worship in II Kings 10?
11. What baby was secretly saved from the purge ordered by Athaliah and raised in the Temple for six years?
12. What was Elisha’s final prophecy?
13. What affliction did King Azariah of Judah (also called Uzziah) have?
14. For how many generations did the descendants of Jehu sit on the throne of Israel?
15. II Kings 17 describes the final destruction of Israel as a nation. What does the Bible say is the reason they were exiled to Assyria and lost their kingdom?
16. II Kings 17 also describes what happened to the land after the Assyrians conquered Israel. The region became known as Samaria, and many other nationalities were imported into it. The native bloodlines and religion became mixed. The worship described is called “syncretism.” Why is it wrong to worship the Lord along with idols as the Samaritans did?
17. While Israel fell to the Assyrians, Hezekiah was a (good) king over Judah. What are some things Hezekiah did to merit his accolade in II Kings 18:5?
18. According to II Kings 19:35, how were the Assyrians defeated?
19. Hezekiah was originally going to die, but God added fifteen years to his life in response to his prayer. Can you name two destructive things that came out of those extra fifteen years he was given?
20. What kind of religious reforms did King Josiah institute after the Book of the Law was found during the renovations in the Temple?
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