2. According to Isaiah 1, which does the Lord value more: assemblies worshiping Him with sacrifices or nations practicing righteousness and justice?
3. God offers hope for the forgiveness of the sins of the people, provided their response is what? (Isaiah 1:18-20)
4. What does Isaiah say about the mountain of the Lord’s temple (Zion’s Hill) in 2:1-5?
5. Do you see any parallels between Isaiah 2:6-22 and Revelation 6:15-17 and 18:1-20?
6. What is the point of the parable of the vineyard in Isaiah 5:1-7?
7. In Isaiah 6, why does the angel bring a live coal to touch Isaiah’s mouth, and how would such an act bring about atonement?
8. Have you ever told someone what they needed to hear, but it didn’t sink in and they refused your counsel? Describe what happened.
9. What was Isaiah’s promised sign of a virgin conceiving a child in chapter 7 originally supposed to demonstrate?
10. Can a sign have more than one meaning or application?
11. Who is Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz and what does his name mean?
12. What does the prophet foresee regarding Galilee in Isaiah 9:1-3?
13. What do the names of the child in Isaiah 9:6 signify?
14. What groups does God single out for compassion in Isaiah 10:1-4?
15. Isaiah 10:5-19 depicts the nation of Assyria as being both a means of God’s judgment and an object of His wrath. How is this not a contradiction?
16. How does Jesus Christ fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah 11, and in what ways do we expect Him to fulfill the remainder?
17. How does the prophet describe the “Day of the Lord” in Isaiah 13?
18. Isaiah 13:12-15 has both a historical contextual meaning and a famous cosmic application. What are they?
19. What nations does the prophet darkly warn in Isaiah 13-21?
20. Isaiah’s audience in Judah might be feeling pretty good about all his prophecies issued against the Gentile nations around them. Who does Isaiah target in chapter 22?
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