1. What was the “test” that Daniel proposed to his Babylonian guardian in the matter concerning the diet for him and his friends from Judah?
2. Who did Daniel credit for his ability to reveal and interpret Nebuchadnezzar’s dream?
3. How do most Christians interpret the kingdom referenced in Daniel 2:44-45?
4. What evidence is there in Daniel 3 that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego’s faith in God did not rely on His deliverance of them from the fiery furnace?
5. Who do you think is the “fourth man” that Nebuchadnezzar saw in the furnace in Daniel 3?
6. What was the sin that triggered Nebuchadnezzar’s loss of mind in Daniel 4?
7. What was the sin of Belshazzar that triggered the hand writing on the wall in Daniel 5?
8. In Daniel 6, what did Daniel’s enemies conclude would be the only way of entrapping him?
9. Why might God’s miraculous deliverances of Daniel and his friends especially resonate with the community of Jewish exiles in Babylon?
10. What emotional response do Daniel’s prophetic visions give you?
11. What did God command the prophet Hosea to do in Hosea 1:2?
12. What was the point of this strange commission?
13. What do the sad names of Hosea’s children represent?
14. Why and how is Israel going to be punished, according to Hosea 2:1-13?
15. How does God show that He still loves Israel, according to Hosea 2:14-23?
16. How would you like to have the calling of Hosea and act out in a marriage the love relationship between God and His people?
17. How much does Hosea “buy” Gomer for in Hosea 3?
18. What two animals does God say He is going to be like to Israel, according to Hosea 5?
19. Do you think Hosea 6:2 is a prophecy pertaining to Christ? Why or why not?
20. What phrases in Hosea 11 demonstrate the Fatherhood of God?