Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Jeremiah 1-19 Twenty Questions

1. What do you already know, or what have you heard, about the prophet Jeremiah?

2. Why would Jeremiah 1:4-5 be a potentially powerful verse on the abortion issue?

3. What two issues made Jeremiah think he was unqualified to be a prophet, and how did God respond?

4. How is Israel’s turning away from the Lord and turning toward idols reflected in Jeremiah 2?

5. In what way has the nation of Israel been behaving like a prostitute?

6. God says of Himself that He is a “jealous God” (Exodus 20:5).  Is jealousy ever appropriate in a relationship?  If so, how?

7. What alternatives does God offer the nation in Jeremiah 4:1-4?

8. Jeremiah 4:5-31 is a good example of why Jeremiah is known as “the weeping prophet.”  It was his mission to announce doom to Judah.  What nation and its invading army is described here?

9. In Jeremiah 5, how many fair and honest people does God say Jeremiah needs to find in order for Him to forgive the city?

10. What kind of warnings has our nation heard over and over again about long-term troubles that have become background noise?

11. The residents of Jerusalem thought they were safe from attack because the city housed the Temple.  What does the prophet say in Jeremiah 7 to show that the people are misguided in their trust?

12. What does God reveal to Jeremiah about the success of his ministry as a prophet (Jeremiah 7:27-28)?

13. How many times do you find words or images for “weeping” and “wailing” in Jeremiah 9?

14. Israel had exchanged God for worthless idols.  What kinds of “worthless idols” today tempt us away from worshiping God?

15. According to Jeremiah 11, is God justified for bringing destruction upon His chosen people?  Why or why not?

16. We often struggle with why bad things happen to good people.  In Jeremiah 12, the prophet complains that good things happen to bad people.  What are some biblical answers to this concern?

17. While Jeremiah prophesied destruction, false prophets proclaimed deliverance (Jeremiah 14:13).  How can we tell the difference between real prophets and false prophets?

18. In Jeremiah 16, what activities does God forbid the prophet to do, and what is the deeper meaning behind their prohibition?

19. What is the message that Jeremiah received in chapter 18 at the potter’s house?

20. What is the message of the clay jar that Jeremiah buys from a potter in chapter 19?

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