1. What nation is the prophet Micah from, and which nations is he prophesying against?
2. How does the punishment of Micah 2:3-5 fit the crime described in 2:1-2?
3. Based on Micah 2:6-11, why do you suppose true prophets are usually persecuted in their lifetimes while false prophets are often celebrated?
4. What is Micah’s vision of the last days as recorded in 4:1-8?
5. What do Christians see in Micah 5:2 as a prophecy of Jesus Christ?
6. According to Micah 6:6-8, what is God really looking for on the part of His people?
7. With what kind of hope does the book of Micah end in 7:18-20?
8. What nation does Nahum primarily prophesy against?
9. How do we reconcile Nahum 1:2 with our understanding of God?
10. Why is Nahum’s prophecy of judgment upon Nineveh simultaneously a message of peace and hope for Judah?
11. Why do you suppose God’s people often feel impatient with God, as expressed in Habakkuk 1:2? Have you ever felt that way?
12. What contrasts do you see between false idols and the Lord God in Habakkuk 2:18-20?
13. From what nation does Zephaniah come, and who does he prophesy against in chapter 1?
14. How does Zephaniah picture the “Day of the Lord?”
15. What is Zephaniah’s advice in 2:3 to those who would prepare for this Day?
16. According to Zephaniah 2, will any of the other nations (Philistia, Moab, Ammon, Cush, Assyria) be spared?
17. What will those with purified lips do, according to Zephaniah 3:9?
18. What are the characteristics of those the Lord removes from Jerusalem, and those who remain, in Zephaniah 3:11-13?
19. With what kind of hope does the book of Zephaniah end in 3:14-20?
20. Do you think God continues to appoint prophets to deliver His message today? Why or why not?
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