Jesus even includes a great shorthand definition of hypocrisy itself in vs. 3: "Do not do as they do, for they do not practice what they teach."
Six specific woes are included in this chapter. Jesus calls out his enemies on the grounds that:
- They keep people out of the Kingdom, both themselves and others.
- They focus on material wealth to the neglect of true spiritual value.
- They obsess about tithing on everything physical but lack the more essential moral teachings of the law.
- They believe that the external appearance of cleanliness is more important than the internal reality.
- They act like they are holy when they are really spiritually dead on the inside.
- They share in the same murderous spirit that their ancestors did when they killed God's prophets.
If you think that the last "woe" sounds like Jesus is faulting them for a historical pattern, you are right. And that pattern is about to be repeated once again, this time with God's Son Jesus Himself as the murder victim.
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