Wow. Genesis 19 is an eye-opener, and not in a good way. There's something to make just about anyone offended, or at least unsettled.
Sometimes people argue that the real sin of Sodom wasn't (homo)sexual depravity; it was a lack of hospitality to strangers. That's a bit like saying terrorists are simply guilty of being too passionate about their beliefs. Sure, there's a connection - but Sodom's utter lack of hospitality was manifested in its citizens' attempted rape of Lot's houseguests! They gather outside Lot's door and demand that he bring out his visitors so that they may "know" them.
The disturbing story of Sodom and Gomorrah continues as Lot decides to offer his virgin daughters to the mob instead of his guests. He apparently feels his responsibility as a host supersedes his responsibility as a dad. (Lot's not winning any "father-of-the-year" awards here, but more on that in a moment!)
Rather than being interested in Lot's daughters, however, the crowd is enraged at the notion of being judged by this foreigner. Like so many of us, the citizens of Sodom don't like it when others presume to say that there's something wrong with their behavior. This trait of outrage continues in humanity yet today when we are called out on our sin.
Fortunately, these aren't just any houseguests rooming with Lot. These are heavenly beings, and they strike the crowd blind and prepare to rush Lot and his family out of town before the imminent judgment. Lot tries unsuccessfully to get his sons-in-law-to-be to leave with them. They refuse, thinking he can't be serious. (I wonder what they thought of Lot's previous attempt at peacemaking by offering up their fiancees!)
As the only righteous man in town, Lot is hurried from the scene along with his wife and his two daughters as fire and sulfur (brimstone) rain down on Sodom and Gomorrah. Even though they were told to hurry and not look back, Lot's wife apparently had a listening problem. When she turned to look back at the destruction, she became a pillar of salt.
Genesis 19 ends with both of Lot's daughters deciding to get pregnant by their inebriated father. So we can add drunkenness and incest to the other disturbing images in this chapter.
There's a reason why some people consider the Bible to be for mature audiences only!
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