On the wall of my living room hangs a large plaque which reads, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." The inspiration for that saying comes directly from this chapter of holy scripture.
As we reach the end of the book of Joshua, Moses' spiritual successor and the leader of the conquest into Canaan presents the gathered tribes a stark choice. Joshua says, "Now therefore revere the Lord, and serve him in sincerity and faithfulness; put away the gods that your ancestors served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. Now if you are unwilling to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served in the region beyond the River or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord" (vs. 14-15).
Upon hearing these words, the people are adamant that they, too, will serve the Lord like Joshua and his family. Even when he warns them that their words will be held against them should they fail in their obedience (vs. 22), they insist that they still want to be God's people.
Every generation must make choices that will greatly impact their descendants. My ancestors, at various times, chose to cross an ocean to come to America. Later, they moved from states such as Virginia and New York to settle in Ohio. By the time that I came along, much had already been chosen for me regarding my location and nationality. Throughout life, I have had to continue to make similar decisions which affect "me and my house."
Each generation must re-affirm or undo the choices that have been made for them. I have remained in the United States, even choosing to remain in Ohio. I have kept the Christian faith of my family, investigating it and claiming it as my own. I have passed those generational choices down to my children - and someday they will have a choice of their own about what to do with them.
In Joshua's day, Israel was faithful to God (vs. 31). Even in the next generation, the nation stayed true to the Lord. But, as surely as was prophesied, a time is coming when the people will falter and stray and break faith with the Lord their God. We will learn more about that chapter of their history in the book of Judges.
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