Sunday, August 9, 2015

Joshua 7: Ai Ai Ai!

OK, it's really pronounced like this:

Joshua 7 tells the sad tale of Achan who was achin' for some of Jericho's gold and silver.  (And that is how you pronounce his name!)  However, all the gold and silver had been devoted to destruction.

Because Achan coveted it, he took it for himself and hid it in his tent.
Because of his sin, the Lord delivered Israel into the hand of her enemies at Ai, the next battle after Jericho.
Because the Israelites were defeated and humiliated, they lost their nerve and felt like their cause was lost.

Joshua seems to immediately assume that the Lord has forsaken them.  But God points out that the real blame lies not with Him, but with Israel.  Even though it was stressed NOT to take anything devoted to destruction, someone had.  The Lord commands that tribe by tribe, family by family be presented and the guilty party will be discovered.  That is just what happened.

Unfortunately for Achan, his sin found him out.  Rather than getting to enjoy the ill-gotten gain he had plundered from Jericho, Achan found himself stoned to death by his neighbors.  His lesson should have been clear to all: God means what He says, and He sees when sins are committed.

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