Solomon gives some very practical advice to his audience about how to behave in such a way so as to thrive spiritually and socially.
First, he cautions against entanglements with others that involve giving them a pledge or promise that they can hold over your head (vs. 1-5). Whenever you have come into the power of a neighbor, Solomon advises that you immediately do what you can to change the circumstances and get out of that situation.
In a rather famous section of Proverbs, Solomon directs the listeners' attention to the industrious ant. Verses 6-11 point out the link between laziness and poverty. The solution, according to Solomon, is to get up, get out of bed, and get moving!
Solomon continues his moral teaching, making mention of the habits of shiftless characters as well as seven things that the Lord hates (haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that hurry to do evil, a lying witness that testifies falsely, and one who sows discord in a family).
The chapter ends with a lengthy treatment of adultery and how it must be avoided. Solomon urges in very strong terms about how falling for another man's wife is a sure route to ruin and destruction. He knows that adultery will bring very negative consequences to those who fall for it.
In this area, as well as in the ones mentioned above, the best policy is to find a way to play nice with others!
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