You see, there are "prophets" - and then there are "false prophets." Prophets are those who are called by God to deliver a message that is in accord with the Law, and whose words come to pass. False prophets fail on all three counts. They put themselves forward, preach a message contrary to the Law, and their words fail to come true.
In Micah 2, the true prophet encounters the challenge of false prophets. After delivering his message of the hard times coming to their nation, Micah meets resistance. The false prophets don't want to hear it. He writes, "'Do not prophesy,' their prophets say. 'Do not prophesy about these things; disgrace will not overtake us'" (vs. 6).
Prophets were often given difficult messages to share with the people. Just as the people had been rejecting God, they often turned to rejecting His prophet as well. It is much easier to hear that everything is going to be all right rather than to hear that major repentance is needed to stave off destruction. That is why false prophets usually preach a happy, "feel good" message to win support from the people.
Aware of his competition, Micah scorns those who prophesy with impure motives. He calls attention to the fact that they are in it for themselves. "If a liar and deceiver comes and says, 'I will prophesy for you plenty of wine and beer,' he would be just the prophet for this people!" (vs. 11)
Don't think that false prophets are relegated to the past. They are still with us today. It requires discernment and attentiveness to the Holy Spirit to determine which prophets are of the Lord in winning people back to Him, and which ones are only attempting to foster popularity and wealth for themselves.
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