Sunday, April 23, 2017

Acts 6: Division Of Labor

Ever wonder why churches often have so many committees and officers?

The church is not a "one-man band."  Even the Lone Ranger had Tonto!  Very early in its existence, the Church of Jesus Christ discovered that there was more work and leadership required than could be provided by the original disciples. 

The apostles proposed that additional leaders be selected and commissioned to their own area of responsibility.  While the Twelve continued their focus on the word of God, the new "table-waiters," or deacons, would work in the area of administration, ensuring that the charitable work of the church was dispensed with justice.

Paul would later pick up on this concept of the division of labor in the Church when he wrote about the spiritual gifts and the usefulness of their diversity within the Body.  When you are take on a ministry role within your church, whether it is child care, ushering, leading a mission trip, or teaching a class, you are following the age-old principle that it takes many people serving together to create a functional church!

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