1. Do you tend to be bored or fascinated with genealogies? How many generations back can you trace your own family tree?
2. Why do you suppose Matthew might have chosen to begin his gospel with a genealogy of Jesus starting with Abraham?
3. How often does God communicate through dreams in Matthew 1 and 2? Do you think God still communicates that way today?
4. What were the circumstances of your baptism? What do you make of the conversation between Jesus and John about baptism?
5. Which of Satan’s temptations in the wilderness do you think it would have been hardest for you to resist? Does Jesus give us any guidance on resisting temptation through His example here?
6. Simon, Andrew, James, and John were probably skilled fishermen. What did Jesus mean that they would now “fish for people”? How might Jesus put a spin on your occupation in His calling of you?
7. Which beatitude do you find most comforting? Most confounding?
8. What’s the hardest part about loving our enemies?
9. What does Jesus’ advice on practicing acts of righteousness (such as giving, praying, fasting) have in common?
10. In comparison to Jesus’ first-century audience, do you think people today worry more, worry less, or worry about the same? Why?
11. Do you consider “Do unto others as they do unto you” to be the Golden Rule? Why or why not?
12. How does Jesus say we can tell false prophets from true ones?
13. Does Jesus’ parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders make the implicit promise that those who follow Him will never suffer ferocious storms in their lives? Why or why not?
14. What acts of power does Jesus demonstrate in Matthew 8?
15. Matthew 9:1-8 records the first instance of conflict between Jesus and the teachers of the law. What caused the initial tension? What other complaints against Jesus followed?
16. Jesus gives the disciples their marching orders in Matthew 10. What do you find most surprising out of all of His instructions?
17. What do you think about the Sabbath controversies and debates that Jesus has with the Pharisees in Matthew 12? Why do you think Jesus defensively quotes Hosea 6:6 at least twice in His ministry?
18. Which of Jesus’ parables in chapter 13 speak most strongly to you?
19. If you had been in the boat of disciples seeing Jesus walk on water, would you have wanted to join Him? What made Peter start to sink when he tried walking on water?
20. Have you discovered anything new or especially relevant to you on this reading trip through the Gospel of Matthew?
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