1. Which is more important: honoring time-tested traditions or obeying the commands of God?
2. What do you think Jesus might say about the adage, “Cleanliness is next to godliness?”
3. How did Peter know that Jesus was the Messiah? Why do you think Jesus wanted to keep His identity a secret?
4. How does John the Baptist fulfill the prophecy of Elijah coming first?
5. What do you suppose it is about children that Jesus wants us to emulate in “changing and becoming like [them]” in Matthew 18:3?
6. Have you ever lost something that you deeply regretted? Have you ever had a moment of joy in finding something of yours that had been lost?
7. What does Jesus say will happen to the person whose sins are forgiven by God, but then does not forgive his brother or sister?
8. Is the employer in the parable of Matthew 20:1-16 fair? Are you ever jealous about God’s grace toward someone else?
9. Do we practice Jesus’ concept of servant leadership described in Matthew 20:25-28? What does/would that look like?
10. Was Jesus justified in overturning the tables in the Temple? Why or why not?
11. What were the Pharisees doing wrong, according to the parables of Matthew 21:28-32 and 21:33-41?
12. Is there one greatest commandment, or two?
13. In Matthew 23, Jesus issues seven woes upon the Pharisees for their practices. Which do you find personally most convicting?
14. What are some clues that Jesus gives us about the occasion of His return in Matthew 24?
15. How would you answer Jesus if He were to return today and ask you what you have done with your “talents”?
16. What can you do to move in your life, becoming less “goat-like” and more “sheep-like”, as described in Matthew 25:31-46?
17. Do you think Jesus’ prayer in the Garden was answered? Why or why not?
18. The disciples abandoned Jesus, Peter denied Him, Judas betrayed Him. How do Christians make choices today that reflect these same actions?
19. Was Pilate able to remove the blood of Jesus on his hands by washing them? Were the Jews able to claim the responsibility for Jesus’ blood to be upon them and their children?
20. What do you think happened to Jesus’ body? Do you believe Matthew’s account, or that of the priests/Roman guards?
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