Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Acts 26: Paul: Liar, Lunatic, or Legitimate Apostle?

"I am not out of my mind, most excellent Festus, but I am speaking sober truth." (vs. 25)

You may have heard of the three possible verdicts one may render on Jesus Christ - that He is either a liar, a lunatic, or Lord.  Something similar could be said of Paul on trial in Acts 26 before Festus and Agrippa.  In fact, Paul even anticipates this.  When Festus charges him with insanity (vs. 24: "You are out of your mind, Paul! Too much learning is driving you insane!"), Paul responds that he is neither a lunatic nor a liar.  The only remaining alternative is that he is speaking the truth as a legitimate apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.

I find it interesting that Jews and Gentiles have different "rejection points" when it comes to Paul's message.  For the Jews, they are willing to listen to Paul until he reaches the point of the universal reach of the Church - that God desires to include Gentiles in His family.  That is a bridge too far.  For the Gentiles, they accept Paul's testimony until he reaches the idea of resurrection.  They find such a concept preposterous.  One group questions the inclusive love and character of God while the other doubts His power.  But for those who are legitimate followers of Jesus Christ, they know the love of God and the power of God in these matters.

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