Monday, May 23, 2016

Psalm 120: Beginning The Ascent

Psalm 120 is the first of 15 psalms subtitled "A Song of Ascents."  There is considerable debate about what this designation means.

Some have suggested that this section of Psalms was sung by worshipers on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, either early in the nation's history, during the Babylonian captivity, or after the restoration.  It is thought that pilgrims would sing as they ascend to Jerusalem (Jerusalem, with Mount Zion, is always "up" in scripture.)  Another possibility is that the Levitical singers would lead these psalms during worship on each of fifteen steps leading up to the Temple itself.

The Songs of Ascents are typically brief, hopeful and focus on a key word.  Several are attributed to David and one to Solomon.

Psalm 120 describes the spiritual plight of one who dwells among a people full of deceit and war-like ambition.  Being for honesty and peace, the psalmist calls out to the Lord for deliverance and awaits His answer.

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