Saturday, July 15, 2017

II Corinthians 8: Comrade Paul?

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."  That's a statement popularized by the Father of Communism himself, Karl Marx - but it could just as easily be a summary of Paul's writing in II Corinthians 8!

Yet it's important to realize that Paul is not talking about a compulsory redistribution of wealth through government force.  Rather, he is championing "the grace of giving" (vs. 7)  that ought to be ours in Christ.  As in all things, Jesus leads the way by example.  Though he was rich in every way, having all things, he chose to empty himself and become poor, so that we might be filled with his riches.

Now, if Christ is our example, how ought we to live in this world in regards to our material possession?  The same lesson applies!  We ought to be generous givers, sharing our abundance with those in need.  We can enact, in a physical way, what Christ demonstrated in a spiritual way. 

This is such an important topic that Paul will have more to say about the role of giving in the Christian life in the next chapter.

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