Monday, October 19, 2020

Acts 1-14 Twenty Questions

 1. Since Jesus ascended into the sky, does that mean heaven is a physical place in outer space?

2. What qualifications were needed and what process was used to replace Judas Iscariot as an apostle?  Who was chosen?

3. What 3 manifestations of the Holy Spirit occurred on Pentecost?

4. What are the necessary responses to be saved, according to Peter’s answer to the crowd in Acts 2:38?

5. In Acts 3:16, who or what was said to be responsible for healing the lame beggar at the Temple?

6. According to Acts 4:12, how many pathways are there to salvation?

7. What was the difference between Barnabas’ gift and Ananias and Sapphira’s?  What was the couple’s sin?  What happened as a result? 

8. How does Peter’s statement in Acts 5:29-32 reflect earlier passages such as 4:19, 2:38, and 1:8?

9. What was Gamaliel’s advice?  Do you think history has borne out that his counsel was correct?

10. Why was there a need to enlist 7 men as deacons, or “table waiters”?  Why didn’t the apostles take care of this need themselves?

11. What were the last words of Stephen?  Are they reminiscent of any of the last words of his Lord?

12. How is Acts 8:1 a fulfillment of what we read earlier in 1:8?

13. What was Simon the Sorceror’s sin?  (Extra credit: what is the practice of “simony” and how is it related to what Simon did?)

14. In general, how quickly after receiving faith are new Christians in Acts baptized?  Can you give some examples?

15. How did Saul gain acceptance with Ananias?  How did he gain acceptance with the apostles in Jerusalem?

16. Who is the first reported Gentile believer to be baptized?  Who baptized him and how did he know it was okay to do so?

17. How is the first recorded miracle that Paul works (in Acts 13) similar to what he experienced in Acts 9?

18. How do the events of Acts 13:45-48 represent what was happening at large in the advancement of the gospel?

19. What are the extremes that the residents of Lystra went to in their treatment of Paul and Barnabas?

20. What similarities and differences stand out to you in comparing the followers of Jesus in Acts and the followers of Jesus today?

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