In the United States, our currency is stamped with the motto, "In God We Trust." Israel would have done well to live by that statement, rather than seeking to put their trust in half-hearted allies.
"Ephraim has become like a dove, silly and without sense; they call upon Egypt, they go to Assyria" (vs. 11). God has a valid complaint against His people. Instead of investing their trust in Him, as they should, they have pursued alliance with pagan nations, looking to them for deliverance. Like a brainless bird, Israel has flitted away from her true source of strength and salvation and gone chasing after unreliable, fair-weather friends who will certainly let her down.
It will not come to good for the land of Israel. Not only are their false friends unable to deliver them, but, by turning to them, they have also turned their backs on God, alienating the One who would have been able to help them. God's anger burns against His people for once again forsaking Him like this. The Lord vows that their dalliances with foreign powers will come to naught. As the prophet says, "So much for their babbling in the land of Egypt" (vs. 16).
Let us make sure that we don't make the same mistake as ancient Israel. Consider the question: In Whom do we trust? Do we have at least the cents (!) of our money, and put our trust in God? That's the only real answer in a world of unreliable "saviors!"
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