"Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord God you have an everlasting rock" (vs. 4).
Dealing with change has always been a reality for humankind. In Isaiah's time, the people had to face a growing threat from the Assyrians which would culminate in the destruction of the nation of Israel and an existential threat to the nation of Judah. Empires come and go, and Isaiah has foreseen the rise and fall of other great powers, such as Babylon. Such change has always been a fact of life.
Today, even the pace of change seems to be changing. News cycles grow shorter and shorter, and technology gallops ahead. We live in a world radically different not just from a generation ago, but from merely ten years ago! As I write this in 2016, over the last ten years we have witnessed the invention of the iPhone (2007), the election of America's first Black President (2008), a fiscal crisis (2007-), Obamacare and the Tea Party (2009-2010), the death of bin Laden and the rise of ISIS, the "Arab Spring" (2010), and the Supreme Court making same-sex marriage the law of the land (2015). It's easy to get lost in the swirl of change.
That's why Isaiah's word about the nature of God as an everlasting rock comes as a comfort to both generations past and present. Even when everything else around us gives way and changes drastically, we can count on God to be the same yesterday, and today, and forever. He is an everlasting life upon which we can build our life upon, much like Jesus' parable in Matthew 7. On Christ the solid rock I stand - all other ground is sinking sand! Let Him be your rock today!
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