Tuesday, January 14, 2014

John 10: The Lord Is My Shepherd

Did you catch all that sheep talk?  There are several places in the Bible where the people of God are referred to as sheep.  I don't know how you feel about the favorability of that comparison, but it seems apt to me!

We also have two additional "I am" statements in this chapter.  Jesus is both the gate for the sheep (10:7) and the good shepherd (10:14).  This intrigues the Jews who wanted to know if He was the Christ. (10:24).  Of course, they don't seem to like His answer! (10:31).

I believe it was precisely inflammatory (though entirely accurate) statements like these "I am" statements and, "I and the Father are one," which led to Jesus' crucifixion.  This is what made His opponents rig a trial; this is what made the high priest rend His garments; this is what made the Sanhedrin demand execution.

Another powerful verse in this chapter is John 10:10: "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

Anybody want to weigh in on who the "other sheep" of John 10:16 are?


  1. The "other sheep" verse jumped out to me as I read it. Actually, a lot of stuff is jumping out to me each day, as if I've never read it before (though I have).

    I am of the opinion that Jesus is saying that the Jews won't be the only sheep in this sheepfold. I think he is trying to tell them, though they again did not understand, that they would not have exclusive rights to the salvation of God. I think had they understood what Jesus was saying here they would have gone even more berserk. Not only is this man saying he is the Son of God, he is also saying that others besides us will be considered God's own? But they didn't even do all of the work like we did! They don't even follow the law like we do!

  2. I think Jesus is calling the Jewish leaders, of that time and before, mercenary shepherds--hired hands. They care for themselves and their power and appearance. Jesus cares enough to lay down His life OF HIS OWN FREE WILL!
