Tuesday, January 21, 2014

John 16: Promises

Jesus has some incredible promises for His disciples.  He promises to send the Counselor or the Advocate, who we know most familiarly as the Holy Spirit.  Jesus promises that the disciples will see Him again.  He also promises that their sorrow will turn to joy, much like the experience of a woman going through labor.  Jesus promises that our prayers offered in His name will be answered.

The chapter ends on a triumphant note.  Jesus promises that the disciples will have peace in Him - for He has overcome/conquered the world!

What do you see in this chapter that speaks to you?


  1. The foreshadowing of the resurrection and Christ's second coming is interesting. Jesus has been preparing his disciples all along for his departure, but they still have trouble grasping his true purpose on earth of being the redeemer. I think they also underestimate the coming ministry of the Holy Spirit. I'm thankful God continues patiently drawing men and women to himself.

  2. I always use the "I am the vine. You are the branches" when teaching kids about denominational differences. As long as the church is plugged into the Vine (the blood atonement Jesus gave to us), most of the differences are not Salvation issues! It 's really, truly all Jesus!
