Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Mark 11: Donkey Joy Ride Through a Ticker Tape Parade

If the events described in Mark 11:1-11 were to happen today, I can't help but think that what we would witness is a case of a joyride through a parade!

What else would you call it when Jesus instructs His disciples to find and retrieve for Him a donkey "temporarily"?  Some scholars believe that Jesus had made arrangements in advance with the donkey's owner for its use on what would become known as Palm Sunday.  I prefer to think of it as a spontaneous moment where the Lord freely borrows someone's donkey for His big moment.

As far as the "palms" themselves, where the crowd is laying down cloaks and branches for the donkey to tread upon, do we have a modern-day parallel?  We might use an expression such as "rolling out the red carpet" or have in mind the image of a chivalrous gentleman laying down his coat for a lady to cross through a puddle.  But I think the event that would best capture the spirit of that day is a wildly enthusiastic, cheering crowd throwing a ticker tape parade for the entrance of the Messiah into Jerusalem.  They are ready to celebrate!

If they only knew...

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