Thursday, May 28, 2015

Psalm 71: Age to Age

Psalm 71 tells the story of an older man (now in trouble) who reflects on his lifelong relationship with the Lord.

Let's chop this psalm up and look at it in terms of the chronologies of the psalmist's life:

Here are his memories of the past...
"It was you who took me from my mother's womb" (vs. 6).
"Upon you I have leaned since my birth" (vs. 6).
"My trust, O Lord, from my youth" (vs. 5).
"O God, from my youth you have taught me" (vs. 17).
"You who have made me see many troubles and calamities" (vs. 20).

...This is where the psalmist is now...
"I still proclaim your wondrous deeds" (vs. 17).
"Do not cast me off in the time of old age" (vs. 9).
"Do not forsake me when my strength is spent" (vs. 9).
"So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me" (vs. 18).

...And this is a look ahead, beyond this life.
"[You] will revive me again" (vs. 20).
"From the depths of the earth, you will bring me up again" (vs. 20).

This psalm is a testimony to the experience of many that God is a refuge and strength for our whole lives through, and even into eternity.  Age to age, no matter the age, God is there for us.

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