Friday, August 7, 2015

Joshua 6: Joshua Fit The Battle Of Jericho

God's military strategy is unlike any other.  The battle plan calls for marching, blowing trumpets, and shouting.  Yet it worked.
The outcome of the battle of Jericho is proof that God is in charge of this campaign.  Joshua is given instructions and the people - perhaps having finally learned the lesson to obey and not complain? - seem to comply with every aspect of the plan.

Seven is an important biblical number, usually signifying completeness, and it figures largely here:

Seven priests, with 
Seven trumpets of rams' horns shall lead the procession, marching around the city for 
Seven days.  On the 
Seventh day, they shall march around the city 
Seven times and then the people shouted and the walls fell.

Two other important instructions given to the warriors was to spare nothing devoted to destruction - all people and animals were to be killed, except for Rahab and her family in her house (vs. 17).  Also, all gold, silver, bronze and iron was to be given to the Lord (vs. 18-19).  

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