Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Mark 8: Who Do You Say That He Is?

It is a question that all of us must one day answer for ourselves.  Who is Jesus?  Who do you say that He is?

As we reach Mark 8, people are beginning to form their conclusions about Jesus of Nazareth.  A mob of curiosity-seekers comes out to the wilderness to hear Him preach.  Even though He had just fed a crowd of over 4,000 from a few loaves and fish, the Pharisees, unsatisfied, ask him for a sign.  Some, like the blind man, are still looking for healing miracles.  The disciples report that the people believe Jesus to be a prophet, perhaps one like John the Baptist or Elijah.  When Jesus turns and puts the question to them, one man - Peter - speaks up and answers, "You are the Messiah."

This is a pivot point in the Gospel of Mark.  We will now begin our journey to Jerusalem and Jesus' destiny at Calvary.  Now that we have established who Jesus is, we will learn about what He has come to do.  The lesson isn't easy.  Peter, the one who answered the question of His identity correctly, fails miserably when it comes to understanding Jesus' mission (vs. 32-33).  For to follow Jesus as Lord is to also walk the path He trod as Savior...to the cross.

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