Friday, January 17, 2014

John 13: The Full Extent of His Love

What would you do if you had ultimate power?  My list would include some noble ambitions, as well as some petty concerns.  I don't know that I would take time to do what Jesus did - which was to humbly serve His followers.

I think Jesus was able to do this out of the incredible freedom that came from knowing His identity and His mission (13:3; 13:1).  He didn't need to exert any power plays or insist that the disciples cower before Him.  Instead, He chose to be the one to give them an example, serving them so that they would imitate Him and serve one another.  This, according to the eyewitness John, was showing them "the full extent of His love."

Do we do that with one another?  Lest you think it is mentioned only here, let me direct your attention to 13:34-35.  I frequently try to point out the significance of repetition in the Bible.  When we come across something repeated back-to-back, our ears should perk up and we should pay close attention.  In these verses we have something repeated three times: back-to-back-to-back.  That is the command that Jesus is laying out to His disciples as His "last words": that they should love one another.

Why do you think it is so hard for the Church to get this message?  THIS is what we are supposed to be known for ("by this will all men know that you are my disciples...")  Go love somebody today!!

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