Saturday, February 1, 2014

Psalm 5: Two Kinds of People

There are a lot of "Two Kinds of People In This World" observations.  One of my favorites is - "There are two kinds of people in this world - those who believe there are two kinds of people, and those who don't."

David was the of first kind.  In Psalm 5, he pours out his heart to God about the difference between "the wicked," "the arrogant," the "bloodthirsty," and the righteous.  If you've ever felt lost in a world of evil, you can probably relate to David's prayer.

As you read Psalm 5, consider which type of person you want to be more like.  I agree with David: "But I, by your great mercy, will come into your house; in reverence will I bow down toward your holy temple...For surely, O Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield."


  1. This psalm (at least parts of it. I am a reader who often skips the "enemies" and the "wicked" verses in psalms and practically prays the praise and pleas to God parts. I love the parts of this psalm that speak to the wonder of being able to come before Almighty God because we are His beloved, redeemed and adopted. I often envision myself before His throne, face to the ground in true worship.

  2. There are days where I feel like I could fall into that grouping that David is speaking of. I know I am definitely not perfect, and I fall short daily. This psalm added some "oomph" today to just how broken I am. But as you pointed out, it is by His great mercy that I can bring my brokenness before God and have it turn into something grand for His purposes. It is because of His great mercy that I can lift my prayers up to Him each morning, and know that He hears me.
