Friday, February 21, 2014

Revelation 10: Mysteries

"Mystery" is a technical term in the study of biblical prophecy.  In vs. 7, we hear that the mystery of God will be accomplished.  We will see the term "mystery" again in Revelation.

Speaking of "mysteries" (in the more generic sense), don't you wish we knew what the seven thunders had to say?  There is definitely a cyclical pattern to the Book of Revelation.  There were letters to seven churches; there were seven seals on the Lamb's scroll, each one ushering in a judgment when it is opened; there were seven trumpets; there were seven thunders, which remain sealed; and there will be seven bowls.  The intensity of the judgment increases with each round.

There are also many angels that appear in Revelation.  Here we have in chapter 10 "a mighty angel" with one foot on land and one foot on the sea.  Angels are swarming all over this book!

As far as the scroll goes that tastes good in the mouth yet is sour in the stomach - I'd love to hear your theories!

1 comment:

  1. I think eating the scroll can be likened to how we read Scripture, or are at least supposed to read Scripture. We shouldn't just be reading it as a book of information to gain some knowledge along the way. We should be ingesting it (although probably not literally) so that it becomes a part of who we are. The Word of God should be inside of us. As far as turning the stomach sour, that's a good question. Maybe the Word of God doesn't mix well with the other things we have in our stomachs.
