Friday, December 30, 2016

Malachi 4: Ending On Expectation

Is this the end?  Malachi 4 ends not with finality but rather an expectation that more is to come.

Malachi 3: "My Messenger"

In the penultimate chapter of the Old Testament, we read of a coming penultimate prophet, a messenger who will appear before the Lord Himself arrives: "See, I am sending my messenger to prepare the way before me, and the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple. The messenger of the covenant in whom you delight—indeed, he is coming, says the Lord of hosts" (vs. 1).

Malachi 2: Keeping Covenant

The second chapter of Malachi expresses God's displeasure at the persistent covenant unfaithfulness of the Jews.  In three different ways, the nation of Judah is guilty of breaking its promises.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Malachi 1: R-E-S-P-E-C-T

"A son honors his father, and servants their master. If then I am a father, where is the honor due me? And if I am a master, where is the respect due me? says the Lord of hosts to you, O priests, who despise my name" (vs. 6).

Nehemiah 13: That Was Fast

Remember the covenant renewed in Nehemiah 10?  While Nehemiah is away to see King Artaxerxes, the people quickly fall into their old habits and break the terms that they had so recently pledged to follow.  When Nehemiah returns, he is NOT happy.

Nehemiah 12: Dedication Of The Wall

With the work of rebuilding the wall completed, the covenant renewed, and the city of Jerusalem on its way to being repopulated, it's time for a party!

Nehemiah 11: The Repopulation Of Jerusalem

Nehemiah rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem; now the city is ready to be repopulated.

Nehemiah 10: The Covenant Renewed

Nehemiah 10 recounts that moment in Israel's history after the exile when the Jews officially re-commit themselves to the covenant between the people and God.  Signing and sealing a document, they "join with their kin, their nobles, and enter into a curse and an oath to walk in God’s law, which was given by Moses the servant of God, and to observe and do all the commandments of the Lord our Lord and his ordinances and his statutes" (vs. 29).

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Nehemiah 9: From There To Here

Ezra's speech in Nehemiah 9 is a recap of the chosen people's experience with all its ups and downs.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Nehemiah 7: Heavenly Inspiration

"Then my God put it into my mind to assemble the nobles and the officials and the people to be enrolled by genealogy" (vs. 5).

Nehemiah 6: The Great Wall Of Jerusalem

In spite of continued efforts to frustrate the task of rebuilding and slow down the work of constructing the wall, Nehemiah's efforts met with great success.  The wall was completed in only 52 days (vs. 15).

Nehemiah 5: Taking Advantage?

Nehemiah 5 deals with some of the ethical issues going on in ancient Jerusalem at this point in history.  Was it right to lay interest on fellow Jews who could not afford to pay?  Should Nehemiah as governor exert all the privileges that came with his office?  The answer to both questions was no.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Psalm 150: Praise Him With Everything!

"If you have it, praise God with it" seems to be the thrust of Psalm 150!

Nehemiah 3: Teamwork

"Teamwork makes the dream work" may be a bit of a cliche, but in the case of rebuilding the wall around Jerusalem, it was true!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Nehemiah 2: An "Arrow Prayer"

Can you pray in a mere instant?  Nehemiah could, and did.

Nehemiah 1: Defenseless

The Book of Nehemiah deals largely with the problems of Jerusalem after the return of the exiles.  Its walls and gates have been left in ruins, and the city lies defenseless.  Nehemiah, however, is not content to let this situation continue!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Ezra 10: Separation

In response to the crisis of intermarriage, Ezra urges the Jews to separate from their foreign wives and children.

Ezra 9: A Crisis Of Intermarriage

When Ezra arrives in Jerusalem, he is told that many of the leaders of the people are guilty of a sin: they had taken for themselves and for their sons wives from the surrounding nations.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Ezra 8: Praying For Protection

An interesting part of Ezra's journey from Babylonia to Jerusalem involves his feelings about praying to God for protection on the way.

Ezra 7: Introducing Ezra

It took over half the book that bears his name, but in chapter 6 we finally get to meet Ezra!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Psalm 149: Militaristic Praise?

Psalm 149 seems to have two agendas.  Singing songs of praise to God from the throat - and wielding swords of justice from God with their hands!

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Esther 10: Second-In-Command

The Book of Esther ends with a report of how Mordecai is on top of the empire, alongside King Ahasuerus.  He was well-regarded, being both powerful and popular, and served as a good second-in-command.  Chapter 10 is only three verses long, and closes out the story of Esther with a happy ending.

Esther 9: Birth Of A Holiday

Ever heard of the Jewish holiday Purim?  Esther 9 describes how that celebration came to be.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Esther 8: The Shoe Is On The Other Foot

After the death of Haman, there is still the little matter of the Jews' pending extermination to clear up.

Esther 7: The Old Switcheroo

Haman was already surprised and humiliated by the sudden elevation of Mordecai in chapter 6.  In chapter 7, he is shocked to discover that Queen Esther is among the Jewish people he had persuaded the king to exterminate!

Esther 6: Mistaken Identity

Who says you can't find humor in the Bible?  The irony of Haman thinking that the king is about to honor him when in fact Mordecai is the intended recipient gives rise to one of the funniest scenes in scripture!

Esther 5: Making Mountains Out Of Molehills

Have you ever seen someone driven to distraction by a minor dissatisfaction?  Then you have an idea of what Haman was like.  He might have been all right if he hadn't insisted on making mountains out of molehills.

Esther 4: For Such A Time As This

As you can imagine, when word gets out about Haman's plans to exterminate the Jews, it naturally causes a great deal of distress!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Esther 3: Haman Vs. Mordecai

Have you ever seen a personal slight or petty offense grow into something much larger and more damaging?  Something like that happened in the days of Queen Esther between her cousin Mordecai and King Ahasuerus' right hand man Haman.

Esther 2: Esther Becomes Queen

One thing to notice about the story of Esther is how God quietly moves behind the scenes of this drama, steering events to happen in a way that will ultimately lead to the benefit of His people.  

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Esther 1: Nipping It In The Bud

The Book of Esther begins with a royal banquet given by King Ahasuerus.  At one point during the proceedings, Ahasuerus summons his wife, Queen Vashti, to appear at the party because he wants to show off her beauty before his officials.  When she refuses to come at the king's bidding, she triggers a social crisis.

Psalm 148: Praise, Praise, Praise

As the Book of Psalms nears its end, the emphasis is on praise.

Zechariah 14: Cataclysm!

Zechariah 14 describes a dramatic final battle between the Lord and the forces of evil, one which greatly affects the natural world and landscape around Jerusalem.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Zechariah 13: There Is A Fountain

"There is a fountain filled with blood
Drawn from Immanuel’s veins;
And sinners, plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains."

Zechariah 12: Glimpses Of Jesus?

How many indirect glimpses of Jesus can you find in Zechariah 12?

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Zechariah 11: A Bad Shepherd

Jesus referred to Himself as "the good shepherd."  Zechariah 11 presents us with a picture of one who could only be described as "a bad shepherd!"

Zechariah 10: Chosen Again

Israel's relationship with the Lord has certainly seen its share of ups (exodus, conquest, David, godly kings) and downs (wilderness wanderings, civil war, idolatry, exile).  After losing everything to the Babylonians, the people naturally wondered, "Is that it?  Is our special relationship with God over?"

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Zechariah 9: Zechariah's Most Famous Verse

"Rejoice greatly, O daughter Zion!  Shout aloud, O daughter Jerusalem!  Lo, your king comes to 
you; triumphant and victorious is he, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey" (vs. 9).

Zechariah 8: From Fasting To Feasting

In chapter 8, Zechariah is talking about what national restoration is going to look like for Judah.  God is planning to take them from misery to joy, from near death to rebirth, from fasting to feasting.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Zechariah 7: Fair Play

"Just as, when I called, they would not hear, so, when they called, I would not hear, says the Lord of hosts" (vs. 13).

Psalm 147: Action And Reaction

Psalm 147 calls for actions on our part which are really reactions to God's original work in His creation.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Zechariah 4: Zerubbabel's Mission

In Zechariah's day, the remnant that had returned from Babylon was wondering when the Messiah would appear.  Some thought that promised leader to restore the people to God might be Zerubbabel.

Zechariah 3: A Brand Plucked From The Fire

Zechariah 3 gives us an unusual peek behind the spiritual curtain where angels argue with Satan.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Zechariah 2: God's Plan For Jerusalem

The Book of Zechariah includes prophetic visions and direct exhortations to the people.  In chapter 2, we find an example of both.

Zechariah 1: A Second Chance

Zechariah is a prophet who tells the people that God is giving them a second chance.

Haggai 2: Happy Days Are Here Again

With the Temple work restarted, the people's concern for the Lord has been demonstrably renewed.  As a result, Haggai's words are encouraging.  He looks to the future and sees blessing ahead for Judah.

Haggai 1: Kickstarter

The prophet Haggai's calling seems short and sweet.  He was given a word for a specific time and place: Get to work on rebuilding the Temple of the Lord!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Psalm 146: Our Help And Our Hope

"Happy are those whose help is the God of Jacob, whose hope is in the Lord their God" (vs. 5).

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Ezra 6: We're Going To Build A Temple And Make The Gentiles Pay For It

In their quest to make Judah great again, the Jews got to work on rebuilding the Temple.  While not huge like Solomon's Temple, it was still pretty respectable as the central focus of worship.  When questioned about it by their enemies, they held a trump card: permission from Cyrus had been given them many years earlier.  Darius researched the Jews' contention and found that it was just like they had said.  In fact, Darius agreed that not only was the Temple to be rebuilt, but the cost for doing so was to come out of the royal revenues (vs. 8).  The opposition melted away, and the construction was finally completed.  A service of dedication was held, followed by a Passover celebration (vs. 16 and 19).  The Jews were back, and so was the Temple.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Ezra 5: Under Construction

Thanks to the prodding of two prophets (Haggai and Zechariah), the temple construction resumes.  As the work gets going again, however, so does the opposition.  The governor Tattenai comes along to ask the Jews what they think they are doing.  When he doesn't get a satisfactory answer from them, the governor pens a letter to Darius the king asking for guidance.  In the meantime, the work continues and the rebuilding project goes forward.  As the Jews said to Tattenai, "Then this Sheshbazzar came and laid the foundations of the house of God in Jerusalem; and from that time until now it has been under construction, and it is not yet finished" (vs. 16).  The chapter ends with the expectation of a reply from Darius in this matter.  Will the rebuilding be allowed to continue, or will it be put to a stop once again?

Ezra 4: Work Stoppage

The reconstruction of the Temple did not go smoothly.  It wasn't like the days of Solomon where David had prepared everything beforehand.  Instead, Zerubbabel actually had to face down political opposition from some of Judah's hostile neighbors who were successful in interrupting the work of rebuilding.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Ezra 3: Mixed Emotions

Imagine a tumultuous crowd where people are simultaneously shouting with joy and weeping for grief.  That's what took place at the laying of the foundation of the second Temple, sometimes called Zerubbabel's Temple.  

Ezra 2: The Remnant

Ezra 2 reads like some of the other census records we see in the Bible.  Here the ones enumerated are those returning from exile.  They are the remnant of God's people that were spared and now have the responsibility of restoring the nation.

Ezra 1: Return From Exile

Thus far in the Old Testament, we have witnessed the incredible story of the people of Israel.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Psalm 145: Forever And Ever

Psalm 145 really brings home the idea of God's everlasting nature, as well as the hope of eternal life spent worshiping in His presence.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Daniel 12: Prophetic Even For A Prophet!

One of the things you notice as you read Daniel 12 is how many elements of his prophecy are incorporated into New Testament prophecy.  Even for a biblical prophet, Daniel was pretty prophetic!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Daniel 11: You Can't Tell The Players Without A Scorecard!

Everything about Daniel 11 is obvious, so there's no need for me to blog about it.  You understand this clearly, right?

Friday, November 11, 2016

Daniel 10: Touched By An Angel

What do you think a visit by an angel would be like?  If the biblical encounters are any indication, they would be awesome, overpowering events!

Daniel 9: Weak Weeks Interpretations

Daniel 9 represents one of the most contentious and difficult areas of prophecy in the Bible.

Daniel 8: Horns Aplenty

In Daniel's second vision, recounted in chapter 8, he sees a couple of animals with very interesting horn patterns - each representing something specific in addition to the regular symbolism of horns to indicate power.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Daniel 7: Daniel's Dream

The book of Daniel consists of two parts.  The first six chapters are narratives describing events that happened to Daniel and his friends.  The last six chapters detail visions that were given to Daniel, along with his prophetic interpretations.  As we enter into the second half of Daniel, buckle your seatbelts for some pretty wild images!

Psalm 144: God Of War

Psalm 144 contains a few verses about wars and battles that modern readers may find disquieting, but that ancient people would have sung gladly.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Daniel 6: God Is My Judge

When the time came for Debbie and I to name our first child, we chose Daniel.  Chapter 6 demonstrates why Daniel was such a fitting name for the prophet, and why it continues to be a good choice today.

Daniel 5: God's Graffiti

"Mene Mene Tekel Parsin."  When a mysterious, disembodied hand suddenly appears during a royal banquet and writes these words on a wall, King Belshazzar (son of Nebuchadnezzar) turns to Belteshazzar (Daniel) for an explanation.

Daniel 4: Goin' Out Of My Head

Daniel 4 comes to us in the form of a letter written by Nebuchadnezzar himself, recounting a royal dream and its interpretation of impending madness and restoration that came to pass.

Daniel 3: Into The Fire

The story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3 is pretty straightforward.  They are required to either fall down and worship the statue that Nebuchadnezzar has set up, or be thrown into a fiery furnace.  Unfortunately, what the king was asking the Jews to do was idolatry - something forbidden for them by God.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Daniel 2: Nebuchadnezzar's Dream

Dream interpretation is hard enough.  Imagine being asked to not only interpret a dream, but to do so without being told what the dream was in the first place!

Friday, October 28, 2016

Psalm 143: Helpless

Say what you want about David and his errors.  The man had a right understanding of our proper posture before the Lord!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Daniel 1: Strangers In A Strange Land

Can you imagine being conquered by another country and then taken away from your homeland to live in exile?  For young Daniel and his three friends, this fate was their reality.  Their lives were completely upended when they were removed from all that was familiar and brought to the foreign nation of Babylon.

Joel 3: God's Address

In one sense, Christians believe that God does not dwell on the earth.  Even the highest heavens cannot contain Him, as Solomon observed at the dedication of the temple (II Chronicles 6:18).  However, from another point of view, God does indeed have an earthly "address" where He has chosen to make His dwelling place known: Zion!

Joel 2: Seeds

For a brief Old Testament book concerned primarily with a swarm of locusts, Joel contains some startling passages of prophecy that will bear fruit in the New Testament!

Joel 1: First World Problems

People today joke about the modern-day annoyances and aggravations we face in life.  These are called "first world problems": things like not having enough storage space for all our stuff or the time it takes for our web pages to load.  But if we go back to the experiences of people who lived thousands of years ago, we might get a whole new appreciation for how devastating real "first world" problems could be.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Ezekiel 48: The Lord Is There

The Book of Ezekiel ends with the prophet's fantastic vision of the city of God.  The Lord's sanctuary is in the middle of the tribes of Israel (vs. 10) and God's presence is there with His people.  In fact, the very name of the city shall be "The Lord Is There."  After years of struggle against the destruction that sin wreaks in our relationship with God, finally we have peace.  Just as Jesus, the One whose name Emmanuel means "God with us" signifies God's presence with His people, so, too, does this holy city reflect that truth.  Despite its many chapters of gloom and doom, the book ends on an incredibly positive note.  The final verse of Ezekiel reads: "The circumference of the city shall be eighteen thousand cubits. And the name of the city from that time on shall be, The Lord is There" (vs. 35).  Amen!  Hallelujah!

Ezekiel 47: Leaves For Healing

"On the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing" (vs. 12).  Now, doesn't this sound familiar?  Where else have we heard something like this?

Psalm 142: When God Is The Only One In Your Corner...

...He's the only one you need!

Ezekiel 46: What Might Have Been?

One final theory to consider about Ezekiel's temple vision is that it was only meant to be a conditional prophecy, one that hinged on Israel's repentance and future obedience upon their return from exile.  If the people failed this test, the proposed temple would be left as an unfulfilled plan reminding them of "what might have been".

Friday, October 21, 2016

Ezekiel 45: We Are The Temple?

Another possibility that has been advanced regarding Ezekiel's temple vision is that he is speaking spiritually of the Church or perhaps individual Christians, known as the Temple for the Spirit of the Lord in the New Testament age.

Ezekiel 44: A Temple To Be Named Later?

If the temple seen by Ezekiel in a vision in chapters 40 through 47 is not any of the historic temples built or remodeled by Solomon, Zerubbabel, or Herod, could it be a prophecy of a structure yet to come?

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Ezekiel 43: Herod's Temple?

If Ezekiel's vision cannot properly be understood to apply to Solomon's Temple or to Zerubbabel's Temple, is it possible that it refers to Herod's?

Ezekiel 42: Zerubbabel's Temple?

If Ezekiel was not thinking back to Solomon's Temple in his vision, perhaps he was looking forward and seeing a glimpse of the "second Temple" that would be built by the returning exiles from Babylon?  This rebuilt structure is often called Zerubbabel's Temple as Zerubbabel was a leader among the captives allowed to return to Jerusalem.  Zerubbabel was a grandson of Jehoichin and thus a descendant of David.  He was eventually appointed governor by Darius.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Ezekiel 41: Solomon's Temple?

One theory about what Ezekiel was seeing in his final vision is that he was remembering Solomon's Temple from his youth before his captivity in exile.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Ezekiel 40: Ezekiel's Problematic Vision

In researching this section of the Book of Ezekiel, I have found it described as one of the most hotly debated and troublesome passages of scripture!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Psalm 141: A Different Kind Of Protection

Many of the psalms cry out to God for rescue and deliverance from one's enemies.  Psalm 141 appeals to Him to provide a different kind of protection.

Ezekiel 39: Still Standing

Ezekiel 39 tells of a time coming when the forces of Gog of Magog will oppose Israel.  His army will be defeated, however, and his horde buried in the Valley of the Travelers.  When this happens, Gog will join the long list of those who attacked the people of Israel and ultimately lost: Egyptians, Midianites, Canaanites, Edomites, Assyrians, Babylonians, Seleucids, Romans, Spanish Inquisitors, Nazis, etc.  Many of these groups succeeded for a short time but subsequently faded into history.  Israel, however, is still standing. 

It doesn't pay to oppose Israel!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Ezekiel 38: Who Is Gog Of Magog?

Prophecies can get complicated quickly.  In chapter 38, Ezekiel starts looking further down the road and speaks of a coming enemy of God that will threaten Israel.  He speaks of "Gog, of the land of Magog" (vs. 2).  But just who and where is that?

Ezekiel 37: Sticks And Bones

Restoration is the name of the game in Ezekiel 37.  Employing bones and sticks, the prophet uses props to demonstrate that God is going to reverse time's arrow of entropy to build things up rather than break things down.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Ezekiel 36: Israel Is A Sign

Ezekiel 36 represents a dramatic switch in God's messages through His prophet.  No longer is the word one of doom and gloom, invasion and exile.  Instead, Ezekiel reveals that Israel is soon to be blessed with the return of the exiles and a repopulation of the Promised Land - but he takes pains to point out that this is not because of her own doing.  It is the Lord's will out of concern for His name.  Just as Israel's punishment was a sign of His holiness, her flowering will be a sign of His grace.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Ezekiel 35: Wickedness Does Not Pay

Ezekiel 35 contains God's word of judgment against Mount Seir (Edom) for their contemptuous treatment of Israel in its hour of need.

Ezekiel 34: The Good Shepherd

Sometimes it can be hard to tell just what is Old Testament and what is New!  Ezekiel 34 would be right at home in the teachings of Jesus.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Ezekiel 33: The Preacher's Nightmare

A preacher (or, more specifically, a prophet in this instance) has to deal with both heavy responsibility and great discouragement.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Psalm 140: Selah, Say Wha?

Psalm 140 is a very typical psalm in many respects.  It is a psalm of David, who is credited with 73 psalms, just under half the total of 150.  It is slightly briefer than most, containing only thirteen verses; the average psalm consists of about sixteen verses.  Its main focus is on God's deliverance from one's evil enemies, a frequent theme found among the psalms.  In addition, Psalm 140 contains three instances of the word "Selah."

Friday, October 7, 2016

Ezekiel 32: The Ash Heap Of History

Ezekiel's dismal message to Pharaoh continues in chapter 32: The nation of Egypt is going down!

Ezekiel 31: The Lessons Of History

You may be wondering what all these ancient prophecies from Ezekiel have to do with us today.  Many of them are about specific situations in the sixth century before Christ to nations that no longer even exist.  For instance, in chapter 31, Ezekiel is sharing a message from the Lord to Egypt using a parable about the long-dead empire of Assyria.  While it may have been "God's Word" 2600 years ago, is it really still God's Word to us today?  How is it relevant?

Ezekiel 30: God's Motivation

Again and again in the book of Ezekiel, you may notice that one phrase in particular is repeated: "Then they shall know that I am the Lord."  This phrase really stands out when you are looking for it.  What if we were to consider this to be God's ultimate motivation for His acts of judgment upon the nations?

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Ezekiel 29: The Broken Reed

After excoriating Ammon, Moab, Edom, Philistia, Tyre and Sidon, it is Egypt's turn to come under the withering glare of the prophet.

Ezekiel 28: The Sin Of Pride

Ezekiel 28 reminds us that one of the chief sins we can commit is pride.

Ezekiel 27: The First World Trade Center

Before New York City, before London, before Rome - there was one ancient city that was regarded as a center of world trade: Tyre.  "When your wares came from the seas, you satisfied many peoples; with your abundant wealth and merchandise you enriched the kings of the earth" (vs. 33).

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Ezekiel 26: Tyre Down

Ezekiel has a simple message to the proud city of Tyre, currently exulting in Judah's downfall: You're next.

Ezekiel 25: Pulpit Fiction?

You may remember an iconic, very R-rated scene from the 1994 movie, "Pulp Fiction."  One of the lead characters, a hit man named Jules Winnfield played by Samuel L. Jackson, launches into a fiery speech quoting the Bible.  He says, "There's a passage I got memorized.  Ezekiel 25:17.  The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."  

There's only one problem.  That is NOT Ezekiel 25:17!

Friday, September 30, 2016

Ezekiel 23: Idolatry = Adultery

"For they have committed adultery, and blood is on their hands; with their idols they have committed adultery; and they have even offered up to them for food the children whom they had borne to me" (vs. 37).

Ezekiel 22: Three In One

There are three different pronouncements from the Lord (each marked by the phrase "the word of the Lord came to me") shared by Ezekiel in chapter 22.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Ezekiel 21: Terrible Swift Sword

If you find the idea of a wrathful God too frightening to imagine, just try adding a sword to the picture!

Ezekiel 20: Name Sake

Ezekiel 20 reveals that God has acted throughout much of history for the sake of His name, especially in His discharge of mercy.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Ezekiel 19: Reading Between The Lions

Ezekiel 19 introduces a story about lions and one about a vine to explain what is happening to God's people during the prophet's moment in history.

Ezekiel 18: To Each His Own

When I served as an associate pastor, there was one particular hypothetical question that really bothered the Bible study gang.  "Suppose Adolf Hitler - right before he died - repented and became a Christian.  Would he go to heaven?  And what if someone who has led a long and saintly life like Billy Graham commits a single sin and dies before he has the opportunity to repent?  Would he go to hell?"

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Psalm 138: God And The Little Guy

"For though the Lord is high, he regards the lowly; but the haughty he perceives from far away" (vs. 6).

Ezekiel 17: Israel's Story In Allegory

In chapter 17, the prophet Ezekiel is given a parable to share with God's people - an allegory that reveals the spiritual truths underpinning the geopolitical realities of their day.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Ezekiel 16: A Scorcher!

Ezekiel 16 borders on PG-13.  It contains a long, detailed analogy of Jerusalem as a whore - actually, worse than a whore because she pays her lovers instead of charging them!

Ezekiel 15: Fuel For The Fire

God, speaking through Ezekiel, draws a very threatening analogy between the inhabitants of Jerusalem and a worthless vine found in the forest.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Ezekiel 14: Four Deadly Acts Of Judgment

God reveals to Ezekiel that four deadly acts of judgment are coming upon Jerusalem: sword, famine, wild animals, and pestilence (vs. 21).  Moreover, even if three righteous persons like Noah, Daniel, and Job were in the land, they would only be able to save themselves through their righteousness.  Salvation would extend to no one else, not even their sons and daughters.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Ezekiel 13: The False Prophets Who Cried "Peace"

You probably have heard the cautionary tale of the little boy who cried wolf.  In the end, he paid dearly for his misbehavior.  In the days leading up to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians, there were false prophets who were crying, "Peace!"  They, too, paid dearly for their lies.

Ezekiel 12: Heaven Standard Time

God's people frequently struggle with His sense of timing.  Whether it's the 400 years that the Hebrews travailed in Egypt, or the "How long?" questions in Psalm 13, or the disciples itchy for God's kingdom to come at last, we have a patience problem.  So did the Jews of Ezekiel's era.

Ezekiel 11: Who Is The True Israel?

Ezekiel 11 points to a serious rift that was developing between the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the exiled community in Babylon.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Ezekiel 10: The Lord Has Left The Building!

Another grand vision of God's glory, complete with the four living creatures and the "wheels within wheels", takes place in Ezekiel 10.  The same elements are present as were seen in chapter 1, but this time the setting is the Temple in Jerusalem.  Ezekiel hears a voice from the sapphire throne at the top of the vision commanding a man dressed in white linen to take some of the fiery coals from the wheelwork and scatter them over the city.  After he does that, the whole image itself lifts up and leaves the Temple!  "The cherubim rose up" (vs. 15).   The wheelwork, too, lifts up and ascends with the four living creatures (vs. 16).  "Then the glory of the Lord went out from the threshold of the house and stopped above the cherubim" (vs. 18).  In one of the most devastating scenes of judgment upon the nation, God's presence vacates the Temple.  Just like Elvis, the Lord has left the building!

Psalm 137: Ouch.

Psalm 137 is rather infamous in Christian circles for its bloodthirsty final verse: "Happy shall they be who take your little ones and dash them against the rock!" (vs. 9)  Is this really an appropriate sentiment to be included in the Bible?  Is this truly God's Word?

Ezekiel 9: Saved By A Mark

In Ezekiel 9, we see the biblical motif of being saved through a special mark placed upon God's people.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Ezekiel 6: Preaching To The Land

Has God given up on reaching the people?  He instructs His prophet Ezekiel not to address the nation, but the land instead.  "O mortal, set your face toward the mountains of Israel, and prophesy against them, and say, You mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord God! Thus says the Lord God to the mountains and the hills, to the ravines and the valleys: I, I myself will bring a sword upon you, and I will destroy your high places" (vs. 2 and 3).  

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Ezekiel 5: Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

In chapter 5, Ezekiel receives the call to another prophetic enactment.  He is instructed to shave off his hair and beard and meticulously divide the hairs into three equal piles.  One grouping goes into the fire, another is beaten with a sword, and the third is scattered to the wind (vs. 1 and 2).

Ezekiel 4: A Model Prophet

"And you, O mortal, take a brick and set it before you. On it portray a city, Jerusalem; and put siegeworks against it, and build a siege wall against it, and cast up a ramp against it; set camps also against it, and plant battering rams against it all around.  Then take an iron plate and place it as an iron wall between you and the city; set your face toward it, and let it be in a state of siege, and press the siege against it. This is a sign for the house of Israel" (vs. 1-3).

Ezekiel 3: The Heavy Responsibility Of A Prophet

Being a "man of God" comes with a difficult responsibility.  The words that the Lord lays upon His servant's heart must be dispensed.  To withhold saying something that we know God has given us makes us culpable in others' sin and liable for their spiritual health.  So, even if we face rejection by man, it is better to offend people than God!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Ezekiel 2: Bad News On The Doorstep

"I looked, and a hand was stretched out to me, and a written scroll was in it.  He spread it before me; it had writing on the front and on the back, and written on it were words of lamentation and mourning and woe" (vs. 9 and 10).  

Ezekiel 1: Be Thou My Vision

A kindergarten teacher was observing her classroom of children while they drew pictures.  Occasionally, she would walk around the room to see each child's work.

"What are you drawing?" she asked one little girl who was working diligently at her desk.

The little girl replied, "I'm drawing God."

The teacher paused and said, "But no one know what God looks like."

The little girl replied, "They will in a minute!"

Psalm 136: For His Steadfast Love Endures Forever

There are 26 occurrences of "For His steadfast love endures forever" in Psalm 136, one for each verse (vs. 1-26).  Intermixed within a telling of Israel's history, this phrase stands out as a consistent response to the works of God.

Monday, September 12, 2016

Lamentations 5: What Despair Looks Like

I have found that a great deal of wisdom comes from learning the lessons of others.  Why suffer the hard knocks and painful experiences that result from bad decisions yourself - when you can instead benefit by applying the truths that others have discovered to your own situation?  Such is the case when it comes to the horrible circumstances endured by the residents of Judah when God's judgment falls by the hand of the Babylonians.  We can stand in their shoes vicariously and appreciate the salvation that God provides through the grace of His Son Jesus Christ.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Lamentations 4: How The Tables Have Turned

Lamentations 4 bemoans the reversal of fortune that has occurred throughout Judah: "How the gold has grown dim, how the pure gold is changed!  The sacred stones lie scattered at the head of every street" (vs. 1).

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Lamentations 3: A Rose Among Thorns

In the middle of an otherwise bleak message, a few powerful notes of grace and hope manage to shine forth from the darkness of Lamentations 3.

Lamentations 2: Active God

When Christians attempt to explain the problem of evil and suffering in the world, we often paint God as passive, merely permitting or allowing bad things to take place.  Jeremiah describes God in starkly different terms: as the primary actor who Himself purposes and directs the tragedy that befalls Judah.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Lamentations 1: Hitting Bottom

As joyful as the Exodus and the Conquest were in representing the birth of the nation and its inheritance of the Promised Land, the Exile and Captivity mark the opposite end of the emotional spectrum.

Monday, September 5, 2016

Psalm 135: Omnipotence And Impotence

In Psalm 135, the Psalmist draws a stark contrast between the omnipotent God of Israel and the impotent idols of the Gentiles.

Friday, September 2, 2016

II Chronicles 36: Disappearing Kings

The decline of Judah leading up to the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. was marked with increasing stress and turmoil as well as the forced removal of several kings.

II Chronicles 35: Laments For A Good King

When King Josiah died, the nation mourned and lamented for him.  "All Judah and Jerusalem mourned for Josiah.  Jeremiah also uttered a lament for Josiah, and all the singing men and singing women have spoken of Josiah in their laments to this day. They made these a custom in Israel; they are recorded in the Laments" (vs. 24 and 25).  

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

II Chronicles 34: Who Ya Gonna Call?

When a book of the law is found in the Temple during a remodeling project, the good king Josiah desperately needs an audience with the Lord.  The question is, where can he turn to find someone speaking the very words of God?  Who is the prophet that the Lord will provide to be His mouthpiece?

II Chronicles 33: Generation Gaps

When I was younger, it always used to blow my mind how quickly things could turn from one reign to the next in the Bible.  At this point in II Chronicles, we have one of the most righteous kings, Hezekiah, who fathered one of the most evil, Manasseh.  How does that happen?  What of their ancestor Solomon's wise counsel about training up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it?

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

II Chronicles 32: Faith For The Fight

Many times people "get religion" as soon as trouble comes knocking on their door.  A refreshing story from II Chronicles 32 shows us that when trouble arrived in the guise of Assyrian king Sennacherib and his army massing outside the gates of Jerusalem, faith had already found a home there.

Psalm 134: A Mess Of Blessings

Psalm 134 is three verses long and contains three references to blessing, two from the people toward the Lord and one from the Lord toward His people.  Verse 1 states, "Come, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, who stand by night in the house of the Lord!"  These night watchmen are called upon to bless the Lord with their prayers and praises, as verse 2 makes clear: "Lift up your hands to the holy place, and bless the Lord."  Finally, the expected response from God is also one of blessing.  "May the Lord, maker of heaven and earth, bless you from Zion" (vs. 3).  That's a whole mess of blessings in one short psalm!

Monday, August 29, 2016

II Chronicles 31: The Reforms Take Root

After cleansing the Temple, restoring worship, and celebrating the Passover, Hezekiah continues his program of spiritual reforms by eradicating pagan worship, encouraging offerings to the Lord, and reorganizing the priesthood.

II Chronicles 30: Restoring The Passover

Imagine what it would be like if Christians stopped celebrating Christmas and Easter.  The faith would continue, but something would definitely be missing.  There would be less joy and celebration to share among family and friends, and valuable aspects of our faith would go unpracticed.  As Hezekiah is renewing Judah's spiritual commitment to the Lord, he realizes that an important annual tradition has fallen by the wayside: Passover!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

II Chronicles 29: Coming Around Again

There is a kind of rhythm to the spiritual life of the nation of Judah.  Good king, good king, bad king, bad king, and then restoration with the return of a good king!  And with restoration comes a time of ritualistic cleansing, rededication, and renewal.

II Chronicles 28: The Good Samaritans

Tucked away in II Chronicles 28 is a little story of God's grace being shown to captives from Judah, filtered through some good Samaritans, who were actually their conquerors.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

II Chronicles 27: Tribute

When a nation is strong, it can demand tribute from its neighbors as a form of "protection money."  When a nation is weak, it usually serves as the one paying tribute to a stronger regional power.  There were times in Judah's history where it played both roles.

II Chronicles 26: Of Leaps And Lepers

II Chronicles 26 contains a glimpse of technological progress slowly underway in the kingdom of Judah.  Sometimes, as the Bible stories move forward in history, we occasionally spy hints of technological leaps.  And, in this chapter, we also find leprosy, as it breaks out upon the forehead of an overly proud king.

II Chronicles 25: Many Wrongs Don't Make A Right

For a "good king" (vs. 2), Amaziah sure made a lot of serious mistakes.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

II Chronicles 24: The Joy Of Giving

Here's something new - God's people actually looked forward to paying the temple tax and gave it joyfully!  

Monday, August 22, 2016

Psalm 133: The Beauty Of Unity

Poetic forms like we find in the Psalms often use the literary device of imagery to convey the language of meaning.  

II Chronicles 23: Levites To The Rescue

The Davidic monarchy is restored in II Chronicles 23 thanks to Jehoida the priest and the tribe of Levi.

Friday, August 19, 2016

II Chronicles 22: The Hope Of "Buried Treasure"

Can you imagine how depressing it would be to live in Judah during those six long years when Athaliah reigned as queen?

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

II Chronicles 19: Jehoshaphat's Judges in Jerusalem and Judah

As a good ruler, Jehoshaphat was concerned about the quality of justice in his kingdom.  He instituted legal reforms to this end.

II Chronicles 18: Argumentum Ad Populum

How do you decide what is right?  Do you simply go with the majority opinion?  Do you follow the wisdom of the crowd?  II Chronicles 18 reveals that the majority is not always right.  Like your mother used to say, if everyone else jumped off a bridge, does that make it right?  Would you do it, too?

II Chronicles 17: A Teaching Ministry

Jumpin' Jehoshaphat!  Something new takes place in II Chronicles 17.

Monday, August 15, 2016

II Chronicles 16: Forgetting One's Lessons

I have always considered a mark of wisdom to be the ability to learn through the mistakes of others.  The epitome of foolishness, then, would be forgetting the lessons you have already been taught through your own experience.  Unfortunately for King Asa, he disregarded the lessons of his earlier reign, forgetting that his trust ought to rest in the Lord rather than men.

II Chronicles 15: Seek God - Or Else!

"But you, take courage!  Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded" (vs. 7).

Sunday, August 14, 2016

II Chronicles 14: The Power Of A King

"Asa did what was good and right in the sight of the Lord his God" (vs. 2)

II Chronicles 13: Judah Vs. Israel

The Chronicler takes a decidedly pro-Judah viewpoint in his historical record.  This comes through loud and clear in such places as II Chronicles 13 which highlights a stirring speech that King Abijah of Judah makes against King Jeroboam of Israel.  In it, he accuses the Israelites of abandoning the Lord and turning to idols, as well as forsaking the covenant instituting the priests and sacrifices.  We don't hear this same information in the I Kings 15 account of Abijah, where the king is simply described as a sinner whose heart was not true to the Lord.  It is helpful to have another perspective of the conflict between the nations of Judah and Israel to see what each author includes and emphasizes in their report. Certainly it is clear from this chapter that the feud between these countries could be severe at times.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Psalm 132: Two Vows

A theme that runs through the Old Testament is the connection between the Temple erected in Jerusalem and the Lord's commitment to David that one of his sons would always be on the throne.  We see both of these promises reflected in Psalm 132 with David and the Lord making vows to one another.

Monday, August 8, 2016

II Chronicles 12: The Power Of A Prophet

Ever heard of the prophet Shemaiah?  He was a man of God who was very influential in the southern kingdom of Judah during the generation after the reign of Solomon.

II Chronicles 11: All The Tribes?

People are fond of talking about "the ten lost tribes" of Israel, as if every trace of their bloodlines have been lost forever.  But II Chronicles 11 reveals that many came to Judah from the northern kingdom to support Rehoboam's reign, thus continuing their representation in the southern kingdom.  In addition to the Levites, who left their property in the north to come to Judah, we read, "Those who had set their hearts to seek the Lord God of Israel came after them from all the tribes of Israel to Jerusalem to sacrifice to the Lord, the God of their ancestors" (vs. 16).  This brings up another point about II Chronicles from here on out: unlike I and II Kings, this book focuses exclusively on the southern kingdom of Judah and David's descendants.

II Chronicles 10: Behind The Scenes

One of the tensions in Christian theology is that of human free will versus divine sovereignty.  When something happens, who is more responsible?  God or man?  II Chronicles 10 indicates that, in a pivotal moment in Israelite history, God works through human decision-making.

Friday, August 5, 2016

II Chronicles 9: The Splendor Of Solomon

Jesus once referred to Solomon in the Gospels.  He said, "And why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these" (Matthew 6:28-29).  Although as the pre-existing Son of God, Jesus could certainly testify about the appearance of Solomon firsthand, He might also have had in mind II Chronicles 9 which describes Solomon's glory and splendor.

II Chronicles 8: Plan Your Work, Then Work Your Plan

Some of Solomon's wisdom can be seen in the way he governed the kingdom after the passing of his father David.  So much of what had been laid up and prepared for him, Solomon put to good use.  He faithfully followed the plan.

II Chronicles 7: The "If" Clause

II Chronicles 7 contains a very famous scripture that is typically invoked around the time of the National Day of Prayer: "If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land" (vs. 14).  It's a beautiful verse, but we must always take care to remember the pivotal "if" statement that God uses!

II Chronicles 6: The Promise - And Danger - Of The Temple

The king kneels in verse 13 and dedicates the house he has built for the Lord.  His prayer reveals both the promise and the danger of the Temple.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

II Chronicles 5: The Ark Finds A Home

What a day!

II Chronicles 4: Temple Talk

If you are reading the Bible straight through, you may wonder why so much time is spent on the construction of the Temple.  For instance, II Chronicles 4 goes into great detail concerning the Temple furnishings.  Why does the Bible dwell on this topic?

II Chronicles 3:The Location Of The Temple

For the house of the Lord, not just any old location would do.  It had to be appropriate, and the one that was chosen for the Temple was special for a number of reasons.

Psalm 131: A Psalm Of Humility

Imagine if this psalm read the opposite of its statements: "O Lord, my heart is lifted up,  my eyes are raised too high; I occupy my myself with things too great and too marvelous for me" (inverse of vs. 1).  This would be the picture of a spiritually proud person.

II Chronicles 2: Up To Jerusalem

Because of our modern maps, we have a tendency to say "up" when we speak of the north, and "down" when we talk about going south.  In scripture, however, it is almost always "up to Jerusalem" - even though Jerusalem lies toward the southern end of the Holy Land.

II Chronicles 1: Solomon's Wisdom

If given the chance to ask for anything - anything at all - from God, what would you request?

I Chronicles 29: Giving [Back] To God

When we give gifts to the Lord, such as tithes and offerings, we often do so under the illusion that God is benefiting by receiving the fruit of our generosity.  Yet the reality is that we are the ones who received God's generosity in the first place.  We can only ever give back to God.

Monday, August 1, 2016

I Chronicles 28: Solomon's Charge

David makes an impassioned speech in I Chronicles 28 before all of his officials and commanders.  He publicly charges his son Solomon to construct the Temple that David has prepared.  The king gives precise instructions about how the Temple and its furnishings should look, as directed by God, and makes it clear that the people are to support Solomon in this endeavor.  David includes a promise that Solomon will enjoy the favor of God for as long as he faithfully follows the Lord's instructions.  He says, "And you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve him with single mind and willing heart; for the Lord searches every mind, and understands every plan and thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will abandon you forever" (vs. 9).

I Chronicles 27: David's Administration

I Chronicles 27 lists those who held important positions of leadership and service in David's kingdom. The chapter begins with the military then continues on through tribal leaders, agricultural overseers, counselors, and the commander of the king'd army.  It is clear that it takes a lot of organized people to be able to manage a kingdom - no less three thousand years ago than today!

I Chronicles 26: Temple Positions

I Chronicles 26 continues the look at David's organization of jobs and duties at the temple.  There were to be gatekeepers and treasurers for the house of God, along with officers and judges for the people.  Everything was detailed for the affairs of the temple to flow smoothly.

I Chronicles 25: I'm With The Band

Think worship bands are a recent innovation?  Think again!  Those churches which employ bands are really harking back to an ancient tradition.  The organization of musical teams for worship is found in I Chronicles 25.  "David and the officers of the army also set apart for the service the sons of Asaph, and of Heman, and of Jeduthun, who should prophesy with lyres, harps, and cymbals" (vs. 1).  As you can see from the rest of this chapter, the organization was very detailed!

Friday, July 29, 2016

I Chronicles 24: Aaron's Long Shadow

Many generations had come and gone between Moses and David (exactly how many is still a bit of a conjecture).  Yet the precedents established in the law under Moses concerning the ritual worship of God with his brother Aaron serving as the high priest had continued, or were at least re-instituted, under David.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

I Chronicles 23: Born This Way

It wasn't just anyone who could serve as a worship leader in ancient Israel.  The administration of the temple functions and the leadership of the sacrifices was given to one tribe in particular.  You had to be born a Levite in order to be one of the professional religious leaders.

I Chronicles 22: Equipping The Next Generation

David serves as a role model for us in many ways: courageous warrior, humble worshiper, repentant sinner, gracious king, and true friend.  He also demonstrates the beauty of equipping the next generation for their role in God's plan.

I Chronicles 21: Good Out Of Evil

I Chronicles 21 starts with something evil and ends with something good.

I Chronicles 20: Perspectives

Sometimes the questions are asked, "Why are there four gospels, especially when three of them duplicate so much material?  Why does the Bible include both the Chronicles and the books of Samuel and Kings when they cover so much of the same ground?"  Where some might find unnecessary duplication, I see the value of perspective.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

I Chronicles 19: Oops!

Occasionally someone in scripture makes a huge mistake.  In I Chronicles 19, an Ammonite king named Hanun commits such a blunder.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

I Chronicles 18: Happy Days

David's reign was marked with great success and justice.  The Bible testifies to both of these characteristics in I Chronicles 18.  Success?  "And the Lord gave victory to David wherever he went" (vs. 13).  Justice?  "So David reigned over all Israel; and he administered justice and equity to all his people" (vs. 14).  Many of Israel's persistent foes were defeated during his rule: the Pharisees, the Moabites, the Arameans, the Edomites, etc.  Truly, these were "happy days" for the nation of Israel!

I Chronicles 17: Forever Means Forever

There is a question in I Chronicles 17 of exactly who is building who a house.

I Chronicles 16: Let The Psalms Begin!

"Then on that day David first appointed the singing of praises to the Lord by Asaph and his kindred" (vs. 7).

Monday, July 25, 2016

I Chronicles 15: Getting It Right The Second Time

Although the first disastrous attempt to bring the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem ended with the death of Uzzah, David nevertheless decides to try it again.  This time, however, he resolves to follow the letter of the law and do things by the book.

Psalm 129: Haters Gonna Hate

There have been enemies of the Jews for about as long as there have been Jews.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

I Chronicles 14: In It To Win It

David's fame and power is growing in I Chronicles 14.  He receives cedars, along with stone masons and carpenters, from King Hiram in Tyre in order to build a palace.  In addition, he acquires more wives and children.  He feels established as king (vs. 2).  Along with this newfound respect and prosperity, however, also come enemies for David.  The Philistines are out to thwart his reign as soon as possible.  David's forces counter-attack, and, because he had inquired of the Lord, they prevail over the Philistines.  It is clear that David is growing greater and greater, and he is in it to win it for the sake of Israel.

I Chronicles 13: Don't Handle The Holy!

It's easy to feel sorry for Uzzah.  The poor guy was just trying to do his job and - BAM! - struck down by the Lord's wrath for reaching out to steady the Ark of the Covenant.  I have talked to more than one person who has asked me about the fairness of Uzzah paying the ultimate price for a momentary lapse of judgment.

I Chronicles 12: Enemies To Friends

One of the characteristics of David that may have earned him that compliment of being a man after God's own heart was his ability to turn enemies into friends.

I Chronicles 11: Superheroes In The Bible?

If we had superheroes in the Bible, I think they could be found in I Chronicles 11.  The exploits of David's mighty men would make for some pretty exciting stories!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

I Chronicles 10: The Tragedy Of King Saul

"Saul died because he was unfaithful to the Lord; he did not keep the word of the Lord and even consulted a medium for guidance, and did not inquire of the Lord.  So the Lord put him to death and turned the kingdom over to David son of Jesse" (vs. 13-14).

I Chronicles 9: Nuts And Bolts

I Chronicles 9 gives us a peek at some of the daily activities that took place around the tabernacle and the temple.

I Chronicles 8: What Might Have Been

The genealogy of I Chronicles 8 might have become more famous than the lineage of David, were it not for Saul's failures as king.  He had the opportunity to establish his family as the permanent royal line of Israel, but his spiritual flaws as a leader ultimately cost him the throne.  What was Saul's loss was David's gain, however.  God's plan for the salvation of His people could not be thwarted.  But instead of the line of Benjamin, Judah's was chosen.  Never underestimate God's ability to use what we would consider "Plan B" (Adam and Eve after the Fall, Jacob instead of Esau, kings instead of judges, Judah after the exile, etc.) to bring about His will.

Monday, July 18, 2016

I Chronicles 7: A Blizzard Of Words?

I don't know how you feel as you read through the list of names in the genealogical record of I Chronicles 7.  If you're anything like me, your eyes may have a tendency to glaze over.  There is a blizzard of words here, and it can be difficult to make sense out of all the foreign-sounding names and places.  Yet each name signifies a precious life, a very real person who once lived a part of God's grand story of salvation.  They even made it into God's word!

Psalm 128: The Sweetness Of The Righteous Life

Blessings come in all shapes and sizes.  Those who pursue God ("fear God and walk in his ways" according to verse 1) will find their life enriched in a variety of ways.

Friday, July 15, 2016

I Chronicles 6: Heman And Asaph

In addition to the other items on his resume (shepherd, psalmist, soldier, king, lyre-player, giant-slayer, etc.) David maintained a great interest and patronage for the worship of the Lord.  He wanted to bring the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem, and it was in his heart to build a great temple for God, a task which he passed down to his son Solomon.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

I Chronicles 5: A Bloody History

I happen to be blogging tonight on the evening of yet another terrorist attack upon France, this time in Nice on Bastille Day (July 14, 2016).  Even though the pictures and video from the breaking news hit us with a fresh shock, I am reminded that the rituals of warfare in all its forms are not a modern invention; as the Bible illustrates, fighting is ancient.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I Chronicles 4: The Prayer Of Jabez

"Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, 'Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from hurt and harm!'  And God granted him what he asked" (vs. 10).

I Chronicles 3: Keeping Track

For those watching and waiting for the Messiah to come and ascend to the throne of his ancestor David, it was important to keep track of the royal linage.  The pedigree of the prophesied Messiah would surely include links to his ancestors David, Solomon, and the kings of Judah.  So careful records (mostly oral) of the genealogy was maintained.  Sure enough, there came a time when the Messiah arose from this line.  You can see much of this same list recorded in I Chronicles 3 reflected later in the New Testament, in Matthew 1:6-12.

I Chronicles 2: David's Family Tree

Every family tree has a few nuts.

I Chronicles 1: Begin The Begats

If you were looking for a section of the Bible that could turn off many modern-day Americans from reading the rest of the book, the first couple of chapters of I Chronicles might just do the trick.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Jeremiah 52: Exile

There are two big ideas critical to understanding the Old Testament: the Exodus and the Exile.  Like bookends, these two events frame the experience of God's people.

Psalm 127: Unless

There is a lot of power in that little word "unless."  The dictionary defines unless as "except on the condition that; except under the circumstances that."  Unless has the power to change the whole meaning of a sentence, or a life.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Jeremiah 51: Out Of Babylon

"Flee from the midst of Babylon, save your lives, each of you!  Do not perish because of her guilt, for this is the time of the Lord's vengeance; he is repaying her what is due" (vs. 6).

Friday, July 8, 2016

Jeremiah 50: The Punisher Punished

If you ever have friends who believe in punishing Jews for their "complicity" in the death of Jesus, you might want to refer them to the fiftieth chapter of Jeremiah.  There the prophet reveals that one must be careful in taking on the role of the punisher, for they, too, will be punished.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Jeremiah 49: Enough Terror To Go Around

"Take their tents and their flocks, their curtains and all their goods; carry off their camels for yourselves, and a cry shall go up: 'Terror is all around!' (vs. 29)

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Jeremiah 48: Bemoaning Moab

For 47 verses, Jeremiah describes the destruction of Israel's neighbor, Moab.  Though Moab deserves the punishment meted out to her, the Lord still has sympathy for the plight of her people.  "Therefore I wail for Moab; I cry out for all Moab; for the people of Kir-heres I mourn" (vs. 31).  God is often revealed in scripture as One who is willing to punish and avenge, but He does so sorrowfully.  Instead of bringing destruction on evildoers, He would rather bless the righteous.  But human beings have an unfortunate tendency to resist God to the point that only punishment is an appropriate response.  Even when He brings disaster on a people out of a sense of justice, He weeps for them.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Jeremiah 47: God's Sword

"Ah, sword of the Lord!  How long until you are quiet?  Put yourself into your scabbard, rest and be still!  How can it be quiet, when the Lord has given it an order?  Against Ashkelon and against the seashore - there he has appointed it" (vs. 6-7).

Jeremiah 46: North Versus South

Long before the world wars of the twentieth century, there were epic battles waged between regional powers.  In the days of the prophet Jeremiah, two such sparring nations were Babylon and Egypt.

Psalm 126: Bringing In The Sheaves

"Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.  He who goes out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with him" (vs. 5-6).

Friday, July 1, 2016

Jeremiah 45: When God Gets Personal

It would be easy to believe that an individual human being is insignificant to God.  After all, in the Book of Jeremiah, God is seen as planting empires like Babylon and plucking up nations like Judah.  The Lord is involved with the great movements of history and epic wars.  What is a solitary individual to Him?  And yet, Jeremiah 45 reveals that God is just as aware and attuned to the life of one person as He is to all the rest that is raging around him.

Jeremiah 44: Who's At Fault?

Picking through the traumatic events of the destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of Judah, the survivors in Egypt naturally ask themselves, "Why?  Who is at fault for the fall of our nation?"  However, depending upon their spiritual perspective, they come to radically different answers.

Jeremiah 43: Buried Prophecy

After the Judeans flee to Egypt against God's wishes, the Lord instructs Jeremiah to leave them a sign that their search for security will be fruitless.

Jeremiah 42: No Sanctuary In Egypt

Johanan and his band of survivors have a dilemma.  On the run from the king of Babylon because his appointed governor over Judah, Gedaliah, has been assassinated, they are tempted to flee to apparent safety in Egypt.  But before they make their final decision, they decide to consult with Jeremiah the prophet and ask him to intercede for them before the Lord and seek divine guidance.

Jeremiah 41: Treachery!

Things go from bad to worse in Judah as the fallout from the exile continues.

Jeremiah 40: Conspiracy Theory?

We live in a day and age when some people see dark conspiracies connecting every event.  Usually we can dismiss such theories as wild fantasies.  But what about when the conspiracy is real?  Jeremiah 40 relates an episode in Judah's history when just such a thing happened.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Jeremiah 39: Reward For Faithfulness

From time to time in the Bible, we see God miraculously deliver a righteous person in the midst of an evil lot that is getting punished for their wickedness.  This demonstrates that God is often looking to provide a reward for faithfulness.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Habakkuk 3: The Prescription For The Prosperity Gospel

Some people mistakenly believe that following God is all about the rewards we can amass in this world and in the one to come.  Such greedy, short-sighted thinking misses the point entirely!  There is much more to a life of faith than mercenary means.

Habakkuk 2: The Righteous Shall Live By Faith

"Look at the proud!  Their spirit is not right in them, but the righteous live by their faith" (vs. 4).

Monday, June 27, 2016

Habakkuk 1: When The Wicked Prevail

Habakkuk's questioning of God is rather startling for a Hebrew prophet.  As he foresees the coming Babylonian invasion of Judah, Habakkuk struggles to comprehend how God could bear to use such a wicked nation against His own people.

Psalm 125: God's Relationship With The Righteous

The Psalmist who composed Psalm 125 envisions God as a champion on behalf of His righteous people.  Because he "surrounds his people" like the mountains surround Jerusalem (vs. 2), they will be as unmovable as Mount Zion in Jerusalem (vs. 1).  The Psalmist believes that God is on the side of the good, as revealed in such statements as "Do good, O Lord, to those who are good, and to those who are upright in their hearts" (vs. 4).  In contrast to the wicked, who God will lead away with the evildoers, the righteous can count on His presence and protection in their lives.  That is simply the best state of affairs one can hope for in this life.  Surely let us say, along with the Psalmist, "Peace be upon Israel!" (vs. 5)

Friday, June 24, 2016

II Kings 25: The Wrath Of Nebuchadnezzar (And God)

Judgment day arrives for Jerusalem, and it comes with Nebuchadnezzar's Babylonian army.

II Kings 24: Keeping Track Of The "J"s

A lot of history can happen in a short period of time.  A quick succession of kings ascended to the throne of Judah before and during its defeat to Babylon.  It can be hard to keep track of them because several of their names begin with the letter "J".

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Jeremiah 38: Stuck In The Mud

In chapter 38, Jeremiah's situation goes from bad to worse.  After being imprisoned, the prophet is now thrown into a cistern and sinks down in the mud.  In a way, his fortunes mirror that of Judah, whose condition is also going from bad to worse.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Jeremiah 37: Under Arrest

"Others suffered mocking and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment" (Hebrews 11:36).  The "Hall of Fame of Faith" chapter of Hebrews pays homage to the great men and women who had suffered much because of their faithfulness to the Lord.  The author could easily have had in mind the travails of the prophet Jeremiah, who did indeed face imprisonment on account of his calling.  We read in Jeremiah 37 how he was arrested and detained for "many days" (vs. 16).  Preaching the Word of God had earned Jeremiah many powerful enemies, and they made sure that they had their vengeance on him when they could!  Fortunately, Jeremiah was not put to death, but we will hear how his imprisonment grew even worse in chapter 38.

Jeremiah 36: Bonfire Of The Prophecies

Jeremiah 36 relates a story about Jeremiah and his secretary Baruch that happened during the reign of King Jehoiakim.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Jeremiah 35: No Whining About No Wining

To a people that know nothing about faithfulness, God points out the example of a clan (called Rechabites) who have faithfully adhered to the strict guidelines established by their ancestor.  Even in Jeremiah's day, generations after Rechab, they refuse to drink wine or live in structures.  Instead, they make it a point to abstain and live in tents.  God uses the Rechabites as a kind of object lesson to His wayward nation of Judah, pointing out what obedience looks like to a disobedient people (vs. 13-14).  Because the Rechabites have faithfully followed the command of their ancestor, God promises that they will endure "for all time" (vs. 19).

Jeremiah 34: God's Opinion Of Slavery?

Critics of the Bible sometimes point out that scripture was used to justify slavery in the United States before the Civil War.  While that charge is true (as well as the fact that the Bible was equally cited in the north in the campaign against slavery), passages like Jeremiah 34 give, I believe, a window into God's opinion of slavery.

Psalm 124: What God Can Do For You

How many times has God been His people's Deliverer?

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Jeremiah 33: Looking Beyond The Now

Something that any person of faith must be able to do is look beyond the now and see what God may be up to.  Jeremiah gives us a wonderful example of this capacity.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Jeremiah 32: Buy Low...

Jeremiah receives an intriguing direction from the Lord in chapter 32: Buy a field in Anathoth while the capital city of Jerusalem is under siege and about to fall to the Babylonian army.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Jeremiah 31: A Look Ahead

Prophets do not necessarily predict the future.  Generally speaking, a prophet is one who relays a message from God.  Such a message may or may not be about the future.  In chapter 31, Jeremiah has a lot to say about the future of God's people.

Jeremiah 30: A Glimmer Of Hope

Jeremiah is regarded as "the weeping prophet," and for good reason.  He was repeatedly called upon to proclaim his nation's defeat and destruction.  But the good news is that this messenger of gloom and doom was also given a powerful hope-filled message to share in the midst of his negative utterances.  Chapter 30 talks about what comes after the painful defeat by Babylon and national exile - that there will be a time of restoration!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Jeremiah 29: Bloom Where You're Planted

"Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, to all the exiles whom I have sent into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: Build houses and live in them; plant gardens and eat what they produce.  Take wives and have sons and daughters; take wives for your sons, and give your daughters in marriage, that they may bear sons and daughters; multiply there, and do not decrease" (vs. 4-6).

Psalm 123: Eyes Up Here

Have you ever considered how important your gaze is?  Where we set our eyes has a huge impact on the direction we are headed.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Jeremiah 28: Dueling Prophets

As bad as occupational hazards may be for true prophets of the Lord, they can sometimes be even worse for false prophets!

Jeremiah 27: The Yoke's On You

In chapter 27, Jeremiah is given another tangible way to symbolize God's message to the people.  Through the enactment of a wooden yoke around his neck, he demonstrates that the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, will subjugate the Judah and the surrounding nations.  The only sensible course, he advises, is surrender and submission.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Jeremiah 26: Occupational Hazard

"Then the priests and the prophets said to the officials and all the people, 'This man should be sentenced to death because he has prophesied against this city.  You have heard it with your own ears!'" (vs. 11)  The man they are talking about, of course, is Jeremiah.

Jeremiah 25: The Lord's Fierce Anger

Christians are blessed with many beautiful images of God given to us from the Bible.  He is a good, gentle shepherd.  He is a mother hen, gathering her chicks.  He is the father of a lost, prodigal son waiting for his boy's homecoming.  He is a handsome bridegroom awaiting his bride.  There are, however, disquieting images of God as well, especially in the genre of Old Testament prophecy.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Jeremiah 24: Home And Away

In chapter 24, Jeremiah is given a vision in which he sees two baskets of figs.  In the first basket are excellent figs, while the second basket holds gross, inedible ones.  What does it mean?

Jeremiah 23: Bad Prophets

Jeremiah unloads on the false prophets leading the people astray in chapter 23.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Jeremiah 22: A Witness, One Way Or Another

"People from many nations will pass by this city and will ask one another, 'Why has the Lord done such a thing to this great city?' And the answer will be: 'Because they have forsaken the covenant of the Lord their God and have worshiped and served other gods'" (vs 8-9).

Jeremiah 21: King Zedekiah Doesn't Have A Prayer!

Faced with the Babylonian threat, King Zedekiah decides to approach Jeremiah and see if he can elicit a miraculous deliverance from the Lord, as He has done for the nation in the past.  "Inquire now of the Lord for us because Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon is attacking us.  Perhaps the Lord will perform wonders for us as in times past so that he will withdraw from us" (vs. 2).

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Psalm 122: Are You Glad?

How do you feel about going to church?  Does it seem like just another chore to fit into an already packed weekend?  Would you rather take it easy and sleep in?  Or is your heart lightened with joy and gladness at the thought of being in the Lord's house?  Psalm 122 is an expression of love of worship in the sanctuary.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Jeremiah 20: Terror All Around

In Jeremiah 20, we see the personal tolls of ministry adding up for the prophet.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Jeremiah 19: Like Hell

Topheth, the Valley of the sons of Hinnom, is the subject of Jeremiah 19.  This specific geographical location in Jerusalem will become known later as a metaphor for hell, and for good reason.

Jeremiah 18: Changing God's Mind?

Jeremiah's visit to a potter's house sparks a fascinating question: Do we really have the power to change God's mind?

Jeremiah 17: Double Destruction!

"Let my persecutors be shamed, but do not let me be shamed; let them be dismayed, but do not let me be dismayed; bring on them the day of disaster; destroy them with double destruction!" (vs. 18)

Jeremiah 16: No Parties For The Prophet

Judah's punishment looms over the nation so starkly that the prophet receives a call to join in neither feasting nor fasting with his countrymen.  Jeremiah's life is to be emotionally truncated, cutting off the highs and lows that naturally mark our human experience.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Jeremiah 15: Past The Point Of No Return

One of the reasons that Jeremiah is such a depressing read is that God's mind about judgment for His people is made up.  This is not a prophetic book urging, persuading, and cajoling the Lord's people to get back to following the covenant before it is too late.  This is an announcement of the punishment that is already decreed and is surely coming upon them, and there is nothing they can do at this late date to escape their fate.  The nation is past the point of no return.

Jeremiah 14: A Drought Of Mercy

Can the Lord ever get so fed up with the sins of His people that He stops listening to their prayers?  Jeremiah 14 suggests so.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Jeremiah 13: Dirty Underwear

Prophets are given all kinds of strange tasks by the Lord.  Jeremiah, for instance, is instructed to buy and wear a linen loincloth.  After some time, Jeremiah received a second message to go and hide that loincloth by the Euphrates River.  Okay.  Then, Jeremiah hears a third message from God to retrieve it.  When Jeremiah obeys, he finds that the loincloth is ruined and good for nothing.  While these commands may seem inexplicable, God is demonstrating a spiritual parallel with the nation of Judah.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Jeremiah 12: Planted Or Uprooted?

Jeremiah calls out to God in chapter 12 with a pointed complaint.  How can He let all those evil people plotting against him escape consequences?  Why aren't bad things happening to these bad people? Why does God plant them securely in the land instead of uprooting them?

Jeremiah 11: Jeremiah's Hometown Blues

And Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, no prophet is accepted in the prophet's hometown" (Luke 4:24).

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Jeremiah 9: Why Judgment?

God isn't punishing His people for no reason.  As He prepares to discipline them severely, the Lord wants the Israelites to understand why they are about to suffer.

Jeremiah 8: The Mess In The Message

Did you ever stop to think that a preacher might not always like the message that he or she is called to preach?

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Jeremiah 7: Trusting In The Temple

"Do not trust in these deceptive words: 'This is the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord" (vs. 4).

Monday, May 23, 2016

Psalm 120: Beginning The Ascent

Psalm 120 is the first of 15 psalms subtitled "A Song of Ascents."  There is considerable debate about what this designation means.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Jeremiah 6: Terror On Every Side

Jeremiah's divine mission of warning the people of doom from the north continues.  This chapter is full of imagery of rebellion, battle, and judgment.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Jeremiah 5: No Way Out

Twice in this chapter the Lord speaks through Jeremiah and asks, "Shall I not punish them for these things? says the Lord; and shall I not bring retribution on a nation such as this?" (vs. 9 and 29)  It seems that there is no way out, either for the people to be punished or for God to act in judgment.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Jeremiah 4: You'd Weep, Too.

"'Your ways and your doings have brought this upon you.  This is your doom; how bitter it is!  It has reached your very heart.'  My anguish, my anguish!  I writhe in pain!  Oh, the walls of my heart!  My heart is beating wildly; I cannot keep silent; for I hear the sound of the trumpet, the alarm of war" (vs. 18-19).

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Jeremiah 3: Faithlessness

As Jeremiah expounds God's case against His people, one particular comparison surfaces repeatedly: Israel and Judah have been like unfaithful spouses.  "As a faithless wife leaves her husband, so you have been faithless to me, O house of Israel, says the Lord" (vs. 20).

Jeremiah 2: Worthless Things

"Thus says the Lord: What wrong did your ancestors find in me that they went far from me, and went after worthless things, and became worthless themselves?" (vs. 5)

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Jeremiah 1: The Call Of The Prophet

Jeremiah 1 contains several noteworthy insights of God and His calling of prophets.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Psalm 119: Love Of The Law

When you first learned to read, do you remember books like, "A is for Alligator, B is for Ball"?  Imagine that concept applied to the Bible, and you would have Psalm 119!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Zephaniah 3: After The Fire

Zephaniah 3 foretells destruction coming upon the earth, even Jerusalem.  But this is not the end of the story!  The prophet completes his book by sharing the good news of hope after the fire.

Zephaniah 2: Survival Strategy

In the second chapter of his prophetic book, Zephaniah goes on to warn the nations that have historically oppressed Judah that something terrible is coming for them.  Also tucked away in Zephaniah 2 is a verse giving advice on how to adopt a survival strategy to withstand the great day of the Lord.

Zephaniah 1: The Great Day Of The Lord

Many Christians look forward with anticipation and even glee to the coming Day of the Lord.  It is often presumed to be a time when believers will be vindicated for our faith.  The righteous (read "us") will be embraced into God's bosom, while the unrighteous (read "them") will be thrown into the outer darkness.  The only problem is that the biblical picture of the "great day of the Lord" sounds a lot more distressing than pleasant - even from the perspective of God's people!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

II Kings 23: Consecration And Desecration

The Bible emphatically states that the best king Judah ever had was Josiah: "Before him there was no king like him, who turned to the Lord with all  his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his might, according to all the law of Moses; nor did any like him arise after him" (vs. 25).  Josiah earned his reputation from his spectacular acts of consecration and desecration.

II Kings 22: A Blast From The Past

An unintentional time capsule is discovered in II Kings 22.  During the course of a rather routine maintenance project in the temple, the book of the law was found (vs. 8).  Apparently containing previously unknown information, the book is taken first to the king's secretary, then to King Josiah himself.  When it is read to the king, he tears his clothes because he realizes how far the nation had fallen away from God's law.  Determined to make it right, Josiah sends a delegation to inquire of the Lord.  Interestingly, these men consult with a woman, the prophetess Huldah (vs. 14).  She informs them that, because of the idolatry of the people, the Lord is surely sending destruction upon Judah.  However, because of the humble, penitent response of Josiah, God has mercifully determined that the day of reckoning will not happen during his reign.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

II Kings 21: God Vs. Gods

The spiritual history of Israel can be viewed as a war for allegiance fought between the Lord God and the lesser idols that sometimes swayed the hearts of the people.  Manasseh, a king of Judah who ruled for 55 years, goes down in scripture as one of the worst kings for his misguided leadership in turning the nation to worship false gods.  In fact, the Bible lays the blame for Judah's destruction at his feet.

Nahum 3: Nothing Lasts Forever

"Are you better than Thebes?...You also will be drunken, you will go into hiding; you will seek a refuge from your enemies" (vs. 8 and 11).

Nahum 2: Nineveh Faces The Judgment

God had once had in mind to overthrow wicked Nineveh.  But, in His mercy, He sent Jonah to warn the city by way of whale*.  To the prophet's own exquisite displeasure, Jonah's ministry succeeded and the Ninevites of his day repented.  Their city was saved.  But in Nahum's day, there would be no such escape for the empire this time.

Nahum 1: When Negatives Are Positive

Jealous...Wrathful...Rage...Vengeance.  These words sounds like they are describing a truly awful person, someone that good Christians should avoid (or perhaps witness to!)  Yet the Old Testament prophet Nahum applies them to God, and he expects that we should view such typically negative terms positively!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Psalm 118: The Art Of Repetition And Redundancy

Did you see what I did there?  One of the literary techniques employed by many of the psalms is the use of repetition to drive a point home.  Psalm 118 may be one of the best examples of this.  In addition to housing a number of classic, pithy, prophetic sayings, it also sounds like a psalm that Dr. Seuss could have written!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Isaiah 66: To All The Earth

The book of Isaiah ends on a triumphant note.  The prophet reveals that God will prosper Israel and the whole world will send representatives from every nation to worship the Lord.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Isaiah 65: Better Times A' Comin'!

As we approach the end of the book of Isaiah, the prophet unveils the wondrous new things that God will work as a part of the glorified creation.  This is a beautiful glimpse ahead and a good promise of better times a' comin'!

Isaiah 64: God Of The Second Chance

Have you ever wanted a second chance?  If so, perhaps you can understand how the Israelites felt after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians.

Isaiah 63: Grapes Of Wrath

Just like we hear in the song, "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," the prophet Isaiah sees God trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored.   "I trampled down peoples in my anger, I crushed them in my wrath, and I poured out their lifeblood on the earth" (vs. 6).  This is an iconic image that will reappear in scripture in Revelation 14:19-20.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Isaiah 62: New Names

Names are a big deal in the Bible.  Name changes usually accompany a major event in a person's life, such as Abram becoming Abraham or Simon being called Peter.  Isaiah reveals that new names are coming for the land of Israel itself to reveal the Lord's blessing upon the nation.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Isaiah 61: A Year And A Day

According to Luke 4:16-21, when Jesus was ready to initiate His public ministry, He chose to read from this section of Isaiah to announce the fulfillment of scripture.  The Messiah was at hand!  But Jesus also chose to abruptly stop reading at a specific point, perhaps giving us a further clue about His mission and what was to come.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Isaiah 60: Israel's Empire?

One question that many Christians ask is, "How could the people of Jesus' day have missed His coming?  They lifted their Messiah up on a cross instead of lifting up His Name in worship.  They crowned their King with thorns rather than with gold and jewels.  Why?"  The answer may be, in part, that the people of Jesus' day had radically different expectations of their Savior.  In their minds, He wasn't coming to be a suffering servant, but a conquering king!

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Psalm 117: Good Things Come In Small Packages!

Psalm 117 has the distinction of being the middle chapter in the entire Bible and also the shortest.  But don't mistake its brevity for lack of punch!  Good things come in small packages.  These are 2 verses packed with power!

Isaiah 59: If You Want Something Done Right...

...You've got to do it yourself!  This is especially true when it comes to God and salvation!

Friday, April 29, 2016

Isaiah 58: Real Righteousness

Isaiah 58 talks about the kind of religion that pleases God.

Isaiah 57: Exchanging God

What's wrong with a little idolatry?  The grotesqueness of this sin which stalks every generation is found in the exchange that is wrought when the glory of Almighty God is traded away for something weak and perishable.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Isaiah 56: No Second-Class Citizens In The Kingdom!

The scope of God's love extends well beyond the natural descendants of Abraham.  It also includes foreigners who bind themselves to the covenant as well as eunuchs who will not be passing on a heritage to future generations.  When these groups ask if there is room in God's family for them, too, the answer is a resounding yes!  Isaiah's message in chapter 56 is that there are no second-class citizens in the kingdom!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Isaiah 55: God's Invitation

One of the things that I love so much about God is how invitational He is!  We see this in such scripture as Jesus' message in the gospels of "Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest," and the Lord's announcement in Revelation, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock!"  We are certainly blessed to have a God who regularly beckons us to follow Him.

Isaiah 54: The Return Of God's Love

Many prophetic passages are filled with the wrath of God against His disobedient people.  How refreshing, then, to find the hopeful and hope-filled word of Isaiah 54 that speak of the reconciliation God is forging with His covenant nation!

Psalm 116: When God Saves Your Life

There's nothing like a near-death experience to bring a person to their knees.  The psalmist who composed #116 understood this intimately.  He was close to death, but he called out to the Lord and found his life saved.  As you can imagine, he is extremely grateful to God for His merciful salvation!  While you may never find yourself snatched from the jaws of death by the Lord, ALL CHRISTIANS can testify that God has saved our lives - for eternity!  We can sing along with the psalmist, "Gracious is the Lord, and righteous; our God is merciful...For you have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling" (vs. 4 and 8).  Praise the Lord that our God is in the salvation business!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Isaiah 53: Wounded For Our Transgressions

"But he was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the punishment that made us whole, and by his bruises we are healed" (vs. 5).

Friday, April 22, 2016

Isaiah 52: Here Am I

"Therefore my people shall know my name; therefore in that day that shall know that it is I who speak; here am I" (vs. 6).

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Isaiah 51: Better Times Ahead

Isaiah 51 is a chapter full of good news.  Whereas the prophet foresees that the chosen people will be punished by Babylon for their unfaithfulness, Isaiah also knows that the time will come for the severity to end.  He reveals that a day will appear when the oppressed will be set free and the oppressors will face judgment themselves.  It is a good word for Israel.

Isaiah 50: When God Helps You

Isaiah 50 delves into some of the circumstances that the servant of the Lord will experience.  Rather than acclaim and acceptance, he will face rejection and scorn.  Yet he remains undaunted, for he knows that God is helping him.

Isaiah 49: Who Is "The Servant"?

When Isaiah mentions "the servant" (as he frequently does), it's natural to ask the question, just who does he mean?  In fact, that very question itself is biblical!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Isaiah 48: Always Teaching

The Lord continually reveals Himself and His identity to His people through the prophets and throughout the scriptures.

Psalm 115: The Main Character

I remember learning in school about the importance of identifying the main character in literature.  This is the person who the story is really about.  He or she is the central figure of the action, the one that defines everything else.  When it comes to our experience, many of us expect to be the star of our own story, or at least to see humanity in that role.  In reality, however, the main character of Creation is God.  Psalm 115 helps us see this truth.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Isaiah 47: Blasphemous Babylon

In scripture, Babylon is often associated with idolatry and blasphemy.  Why?  Isaiah 47 may give us a clue.

Isaiah 46: Not A Tame Lion

What makes idolatry so attractive to its practitioners?  Why do they fall for the lure of believing that a hunk of wood or lump of stone is really a god that they should worship?  We might think that those who sacrifice to idols are really quite foolish.  But what if it isn't really about faith so much as it is about control?

Friday, April 15, 2016

Isaiah 45: Cyrus Who?

"Thus says the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have grasped to subdue the nations before him and strip kings of their robes, to open doors before him - and the gates shall not be closed" (vs. 1).  After reading Isaiah 45, you could be forgiven for asking, "Cyrus who?"  That's probably what Isaiah's original audience asked, too!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Isaiah 44: The Dangers Of Idolatry

In what do you place your hope and trust?  Your choice is God, or an idol.

Isaiah 43: Who You Are, And Who God Is

Isaiah 43 delves into some very deep theological waters.  Within this chapter are investigations into the relationship between God and His people, with the question of the identity of both hanging in the balance.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Isaiah 42: A New Song

"See, the former things have come to pass, and new things I now declare; before they spring forth, I tell you of them" (vs. 9).  In chapter 42, the prophet Isaiah is blessed to bring forth new prophecies which tell of a coming "servant" of the Lord who will do mighty things.

Isaiah 41: Help Is On The Way!

Three times in Isaiah 41, the Lord gives the reassuring message to the nation of Judah that He will be with them and help them, so there is no cause for fear.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Psalm 114: Asked, And Answered

"Why is it, O sea, that you flee?  O Jordan, that you turn back?  O mountains, that you skip like rams?  O hills, like lambs?" (vs. 5-6)

Saturday, April 9, 2016

II Kings 20: Time Travel?

"The prophet Isaiah cried to the Lord; and he brought the shadow back the ten intervals, by which the sun had declined on the dial of Ahaz" (vs. 11)

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Isaiah 40: Wait For The Lord

Isaiah 40 is a beautiful meditation on the wonders of Israel's God.  A gem lodged within the prophetic books of the Old Testament, this passage can be considered an Ode to the Lord.

Isaiah 39: The Case Of The Short-Sighted Sovereign

Perhaps God's original plan to let King Hezekiah die prematurely in Isaiah 38 would have been the best plan after all.  As it is, Hezekiah's naive foreign policy after his miraculous recovery may have been a very costly blunder for his nation.  Even worse, it appears that he couldn't have cared less!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Isaiah 38: Does God Change His Mind?

Chapters like Isaiah 38 raise a conundrum.  At first, the prophet appears before King Hezekiah with a message from God: "Set your house in order for you shall die.  You shall not recover."  That sounds pretty definitive, especially coming from a prophet like Isaiah!  However, after Hezekiah turns to God with an earnest prayer, the word from the Lord changes.  Now fifteen years will be added to the king's life!  What gives?  Does God change His mind?

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Isaiah 37: II Kings 19

Duplication happens in the Bible from time to time.  You may read an account of the same event in Jesus' ministry in two, three, or even four gospels.  A verse like the creation account of man and woman from Genesis 2 pops up in Matthew and well as Ephesians.  We also see two Psalms (14 and 53) that are nearly identical.  So it is that this section of Isaiah recapitulates material found in II Kings.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Isaiah 36: The God Who Saves

"Do not let Hezekiah mislead you by saying, The Lord will save us.  Has any of the gods of the nations saved their land out of the hand of the king of Assyria?  Where are the gods of Hamath and Arpad?  Where are the gods of the Sepharvaim?  Have they delivered Samaria out of my hand?  Who among all the gods of these countries have saved their countries out of my hand, that the Lord should save Jerusalem out of my hand?" (vs. 18-20)

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Isaiah 35: What Restoration Looks Like

In contrast to chapter 34, Isaiah 35 describes a desert wilderness breaking into life.  This beautiful picture of restoration includes miraculous healings and a highway for the righteous.

Isaiah 34: What Desolation Looks Like

Isaiah has a dire message for the nation of Edom in chapter 34: destruction is coming.  The land will be turned into wilderness, and the prophet paints a grim picture of what such desolation looks like.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Isaiah 33: Zion's Treasure

Isaiah 33 reads almost like a psalm.  Included within the prophet's writings are praises to the Lord and expressions of confidence in His deliverance.

Isaiah 32: Biblical Imagery

The literary world is full of allusions to the Bible, sometimes quoting it directly.  Unfortunately, many of these callbacks are missed when the Bible is no longer studied and given a place of honor in our culture.  Even a relatively obscure chapter like Isaiah 32 holds biblical imagery that is picked up in other works.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Isaiah 31: God Or Egypt?

The people of Judah have a choice.  Who will they look to for help against the Assyrians?  The chariots of Egypt - or the hand of God?

Isaiah 30: The More Things Change

"Go now, write it before them on a tablet and inscribe it in a book, so that it may be for a time to come as a witness forever.  For they are a rebellious people, faithless children, children who will not hear the instruction of the Lord; who say to the seers, 'Do not see'; and to the prophets, 'Do not prophesy to us what is right; speak to us smooth things, prophesy illusions, leave the way, turn aside from the path, let us hear no more about the Holy One of Israel" (vs. 8-11).

Isaiah 29: Spiritual Automatic Pilot

One danger in our relationship with the Lord is that of slipping into taking Him for granted.  I believe this threat is especially possible for those who have spent many years in the faith, or been raised in the Church from an early age.  The problem of coasting on "spiritual automatic pilot" is very real, and very perilous.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Isaiah 28: A Cornerstone Scripture

Honestly, I am not sure what to make of much of the material in Isaiah 28.  Some of it seems to be referring to things of which only Isaiah's original audience may have been aware.  Amid the confusion, there is one verse, however, which later resonated throughout the New Testament.  It became a cornerstone scripture which itself speaks of a "cornerstone."

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

II Kings 19: God Is In Control

Just when it looked like the Bible would be ending prematurely at this point, what with the northern kingdom of Israel wiped out and Sennacherib's Assyrian army threatening to do the exact same to the southern kingdom of Judah, God reveals that He is still in control.  Jerusalem slips through the Assyrians' fingers.  The nation lives, and Sennacherib dies.

II Kings 18: The Assyrian Challenge

Things certainly look bleak for Judah in II Kings 18.  King Hezekiah, a good ruler, refuses to bend his knee to the Assyrian king Sennacherib.  Instead, he cleanses the countryside of pagan idols and urges his people to return to the Lord.  However, Judah's northern neighbor, Israel, falls to the Assyrians and its Jewish identity is extinguished through a policy of forced relocation and exile.  Now the Assyrian army has taken over the fortified cities of Judah and is massing against Jerusalem herself.  Who can possibly save her?

II Kings 17: Syncretism In Samaria

Syn-cre-tism: The amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Hosea 14: The Return

God's heart is for the Israelites to return to Him.  Twice in Hosea 14, God calls out through the prophet, summoning His people to Him once again.

Hosea 13: Crime And Punishment

God's anger at Israel is palpable in Hosea 13.  But what triggered His righteous judgment and the heavy punishment that He threatens to inflict?

Monday, March 21, 2016

Psalm 112: The Rewards Of Righteousness

I have never been one to advocate the pursuit of righteousness simply for the blessings that it brings.  That sounds too mercenary to me.  As Christians, we should do the right thing because God commands it and we agree with Him about what is good.  As His children, we want to please Him.  However, it should be noted that there are "fringe benefits" that often come from doing the right thing.  Psalm 112 celebrates the rewards of righteousness in contrast to the woes of the wicked.

Hosea 12: History Lesson

Hosea 12 covers some familiar ground for those who have read Genesis and Exodus.  The prophet reviews a few historical highlights from the time of the patriarchs as evidence that God's people have always struggled with sin and rebellion.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Hosea 11: God, The Heartbroken Parent

All of us probably know parents who mourn a lost son or daughter.  Even if not physically absent, they may be spiritually lost or relationally estranged.  The heartbreak in such situations is real.  And Hosea tells us that God knows exactly what that feeling is like.

Hosea 10: Agricultural Analogies

You can tell a lot about the context of a people based on their literature.  This is no less true when it comes to a biblical example like Hosea and his audience.  Speaking to a farming nation, Hosea uses a number of agricultural analogies to drive his points home.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Hosea 9: Looming Exile

Israel's days as a nation are numbered.  The northern kingdom, in rebellion against the house of David since the days of Jeroboam, is on its last legs.  The prophet Hosea reveals what is in store for them: Exile!

Hosea 8: Reaping The Whirlwind

In the bleak chapter of Hosea 8, God continues to heap up the punishments upon Israel.  

Hosea 7: In Whom Do We Trust?

In the United States, our currency is stamped with the motto, "In God We Trust."  Israel would have done well to live by that statement, rather than seeking to put their trust in half-hearted allies.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Hosea 6: On The Third Day...

Hosea 6 picks up right where the last chapter left off.  The opening verses are the cry of the Israelites as they seek to return to the Lord their God.  And tucked inside of them is an eye-opening revelation, a reference to something yet to come.

Hosea 5: When God Is Your Enemy

"Don't make me angry.  You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."  A quote from Hosea?  No.  Actually those words are David/Bruce Banner's, before he turns into the rampaging Incredible Hulk.  However, the same sentiment applies to Hosea 5.

Hosea 4: Destroyed For Lack Of Knowledge

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me.  And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children" (vs. 6).

Hosea 3: In The Place Of God

Prophets are sometimes called to enactments where they stand in the very place of God.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Hosea 2: God's Broken Heart

Want to get an idea of the pain our sin has caused God?  The sad litany of Hosea 2 opens our eyes to the heartbreak God experiences when He receives our rejection.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Hosea 1: You Want Me To Do What?!

You never know what you're going to get into when you are called to be a prophet of the Lord.  In Hosea's case, I'm sure he was dumbfounded at the instructions he received.

Psalm 111: Count His Blessings

The one hundred eleventh Psalm is a celebration of God's wonderful works.  The anonymous psalmist recounts the blessings of God upon His people and the world.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Isaiah 27: Gardener God

Although verse 1 depicts God as a warrior with a "cruel and great and strong sword", it turns out that He is just driving the snake out of His garden!

Isaiah 26: An Everlasting Rock

"Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord God you have an everlasting rock" (vs. 4).

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Isaiah 25: Good Times Are Coming

Wedged in among all the weary scenes of doom and gloom coming to the whole earth is a prophetic promise of amazingly good news about God's gracious plans for the world.

Isaiah 24: Bad Times Are Coming

Isaiah 24 is one of the bleakest chapters in the Bible.  The destruction that Isaiah has revealed through previous oracles is now directed not just at one particular city or region; it is worldwide in scope.  And it is severe.

Isaiah 23: Tyre Rotation

Isaiah has one last oracle of doom to share.  This final word is directed against the city of Tyre.  Renowned for their trading by ships across the Mediterranean, Tyre and Sidon are also guilty of exploitation, literally "prostituting themselves" in pursuit of profit (vs. 16 and 17).  The Lord vows that Tyre will be sacked and its harbor destroyed as a consequence of its sin.  Tyre will feel the wrath of God and suffer loss for seventy years before its restoration.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Isaiah 22: A Missed Chance

Isaiah is distraught to see the destruction coming to Jerusalem.  In spite of the warnings he has laid out, he knows the nation will miss its chance for repentance.  Although they are given an opportunity to return to the Lord, the prophet foresees that they will squander it instead of taking it.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Isaiah 21: Fallen Is Babylon

"Then he responded, 'Fallen, fallen is Babylon; and all the images of her gods lie shattered on the ground'" (vs. 9).

Psalm 110: Between The Lines

While all of the Psalms in the Bible are considered inspired, some are undoubtedly more pivotal and influential than others.  Psalm 110 is one of these, making several different appearances in the New Testament, once on the lips of Jesus Himself.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Isaiah 20: An Egypt And Ethiopian Enactment

Prophets are often called to do more than just talk and write; sometimes the Lord commands them to take actions which physically enact a spiritual truth or portend a coming event (i.e., Agabus binds himself with Paul's belt, Jonah spends three days in the belly of a fish, etc.)  So it is in this brief chapter.

Isaiah 19: Egypt's Turn

Isaiah's next oracle concerns Egypt.  It is a 'bad news/good news" kind of message.

Isaiah 18: Even Ethiopia

Isaiah's oracles do not extend only to Judah's immediate neighbors; God is interested in even the far-flung nations beyond Egypt.  Isaiah 18 is a word directed to Ethiopia, which has apparently sent ambassadors to the Israelites (vs. 1 and 2).  Bible scholars believe that this chapter may contain a message about Assyria's impending military failure, which will be clearly orchestrated by the Lord.  The prophet tells all the nations to watch and pay attention (vs. 3).  God will deliver His people and leave the corpses of their enemies for the birds of prey and scavenging animals (vs. 6).  Then, from that same nation referred to in verse 1, gifts and tribute will be sent to Mount Zion as a recognition of God's awesome power (vs. 7).