Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Genesis 23: Ancient Customs

Trivia Question: Who is the only woman whose age at death is mentioned in the Bible?  That's right - Sarah, at 127 years old.

Genesis 23 reveals some of the customs of burial and land-buying in Abraham's day.  As a nomadic foreigner in the land, Abraham has no place to bury his dead.  When Sarah passes on, he negotiates the purchase of a cave belonging to Ephron the Hittite.  At first, there is a ritual of Ephron arguing that "you're a good man, just take the land" versus Abraham insisting that he needs to buy it.  (This reminds me of a modern-day parallel of two people arguing over who will get to pay for the check at a restaurant!)  The two men finally agree that, for four hundred shekels of silver, this land's ownership will pass to Abraham so that he can bury his wife.

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